
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/14 20:20:57


To: 爱吃冰淇淋果酱
I figure it's somewhat unreasonable to pontificate wheter an English name is suitable for a person or not.In my philosophy,It is all up to you,the name user,to decide whether to accept it,so that you keep using;or desert it,so that you may find a new one.Your friend told you that Joyce is a name for the old folks,and it just does't make sense.There must be hundreds of thousands of "Joyce" living in this planet,and it's totally obvious that some of them are young people,or even,a baby was named "Joyce"just the moment I am writing to you.For another reason,polysemy is common.For instance,apart from being used as a name,"John" refers to "toilet" or Janet,which is a girl's name,sometimes means a female donkey.So,It's brash and ridiculous to give a definitive conclusion to a name.After all,never judge a book by its cover and accordingly,never judge a person by her name

(1882-1941an Irish writer of novels. Joyce greatly influenced the way English novels were written, with his use of unusual and invented words, and different styles of writing such as stream of conscio...


(1882-1941an Irish writer of novels. Joyce greatly influenced the way English novels were written, with his use of unusual and invented words, and different styles of writing such as stream of consciousness (=expressing thoughts and feelings as they pass through the mind). His most famous novels are Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, Ulysses, and Finnegans Wake.


中国学生不知道很多英文名字已经过时了。 比如:Peter, Alan, Auther, Tim, Dorothy, Margaret, Joyce, Paula, Stephanie, etc. 这些都是老人的名字了。
在英国当今最叫响的男孩名字是:Jack, Daniel, Josha, 女孩:Jade, Kate, Jasmine, Jessi. etc.

If you must have a new name, I advise using "Roy". Very cool,isn't it?

我想他们只是开玩笑,Joyce是很普遍的女孩子名字,很多外国朋友的小女儿都叫 Joyce,是个很可爱的名字。

有没有在国外呆过的朋友呢,sharon这个英文名怎么样?给人一种什么样的感觉?在国外普通吗?因为这读起来和我中文名有点像. Trista这个英文名在国外算独特好听的吗? 请问这个IRIS英文名可以吗?我的英文名是IRIS,姓氏是姜.在国外有什么讲究吗?IRIS这个名字在外国人看来怎么样呢? 有在国外的朋友的吗?关于英文名我的英文名叫JOYCE,前几天碰到2个老外都和我说,我的名字是国外老太婆叫的,就是70岁的人叫的名字,气死我了不知道是不是真的,他们说听到这个名字就联想到 有关于猫的英文名 我姓潘想取个英文名,知道的朋友帮个忙. 关于英文名ChloeChloe是个英文名 同时Chloe也是个著名的奢侈品牌。请问取这个名字会不会不适合?在国外叫这个的多吗? 能帮我朋友一个英文名吗?女的,叫刘洁娣 我可以用SAEKO做我的英文名在国外用么? 关于我的英文名,我的名字是哲轩,有什么好的英文名推荐吗?能不能给多点选择。 我叫边玉琨,有朋友能帮忙起个和我名字发音差不多的英文名吗? 请精通英文的或在国外呆过的朋友帮我起个英文名女生名 姓:刘 名:栋 .希望起个跟dong发音相近的请附上英文名的含义 发音 小鸟的英文名是什么朋友! 请问有谁知道Penny这个英文名给美国人或者英国人是什么印象?在国外用的多吗? 关于月亮的英文名 关于星辰的英文名 关于李弘基的英文名 关于英文名leila我想起leila这个英文名……不知道好不好因为我听说这个名字有恶魔的意思 和莉莉丝差不多的意思……请问这个名字是这个意思吗 在国外这个名字用的多不多(话说这个名字