
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/01 16:41:05



这是答案, 解析见附件. 

Book 4 Module 6 参考答案及部分解析


1-5 BACBC          6-10 ACAAB

11-15 CBCAC       16-20 BCABB

21-25 ADCBA       26-30 BADCC

31-35 BABAD      36-40 DCCBA

41-45 DDABC      46-50 BACDB

51-55 BAABD      56-60 BDDDC

61-65 CDAAD      66-70 CDBCD

71-75 AFGBC

76. He used to sit in the chair, listening to his radio.

77. To find a clear signal.

78. They used to shake hands.

79. The need to communicate with others.

80. We can reduce the time we spend on the Internet and find more time to communicate with others.


81. ... in last June.                      去掉in

82. He said what ...                     what → that或去掉what

83. ... to me surprise ...               me → my

84. ... a bigger book ...               bigger → big

85. ... was selling ...            was → were

86. ... he was interested ...    interested后加in

87. See my brother ...          See → Seeing

88. ... loved the book ...        book → books

89. ... the good way ...         the → a

90. ... make full use about ...       about → of

One possible version:

The Loch Ness monster

In the north of Scotland there is a lake called Loch Ness. In the 19th century someone said that he had seen a monster in the lake. It was about twenty meters long and had a long neck and a small head. In 1934 a London doctor claimed to have seen it and took a photo. It looked like a monster with a thick body but the photo was not clear. Later, some American scientists formed a search group. Some of the pictures they took seemed to show a red-brown creature with a very ugly head.    

Does the monster really exist in the lake? No one knows for sure. However, some scientists regard it as a modern myth, and explain it is a mixture of jokes and wishful thinking.