
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/06 07:35:49


Unit 4He Said I Was Hard-working (1a-1c)
Good morning/afternoon, Ladies and gentlemen:
I’m Zhang Lin from No.12 Middle School of Tongcheng City. I feel very honoured to have this chance to talk about some of my teaching ideas. In my opinion, in foreign language teaching, it is of great significance to enhance students’ language proficiency by developing their learning skills ------ listening, speaking, reading and writing. Therefore, it is meaningful to integrate the four skills in the process of teaching. I will mainly divide my teaching ideas into four parts.
Part 1: Teaching material analysis
The topic I’d like to choose is Section A 1a-1c of Unit 4:He Said I Was Hard-working, from Junior English For China Students’ Book Go for it (Grade 8) published by the People’s Education Press. The language goal of this unit is to report what someone said. It is also the main content of this lesson. That is to say, to master a grammar point: direct speech and reported speech and how to put them into practice. So the learning of this lesson can also be of help for students to reconstruct their knowledge structures.
Teaching aims:
1. Knowledge aim: learn to report what someone said.
2. Ability aim: use direct speech and reported speech to make a conversation.
3. Emotional aim: have students learn to evaluate themselves and others.
Teaching important and difficult points:
Have students use direct speech and reported speech to make a conversation.
Part 2: Teaching method
As we all know: the main instructional aims of learning English in Middle School is to cultivate students’ basic abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing and their good sense of the English language. So in this period, I will mainly use “Task-based” teaching method. That is to say, I will let the students learn in real situations, so that students can have a better understanding of the direct speech and reported speech. And in this lesson, communication method, scene method will be needed.
Part 3: Studying method
I request the students to learn English independently, cooperatively and investigatively. Each unit in Go for it contains pair work、group work and games. The students who sit at the same desk and groups can make a discussion and learn each other. It makes each students be relaxed. They needn’t worry about making mistakes. It can arouse students to think and to say what they want to say. Studying becomes more relaxed and pleased in this kind of environment.
Part 4: Teaching procedures
I’ll finish this period in 6 steps.
Step 1. Lead-in (5 minutes)
Purpose: To help students to make a first impression on the direct speech and reported speech by making a conversation.
I will ask six students to stand in front of the class. First, I will make a conversation with two students just like this:
T: What are you going to be when you grow up?
S1: I am going to be a teacher.
T: What did she/he say?
S2: She/He said she/he was going to be a teacher.
I will help the second student to report what the first student said during the conversation. Then repeat the same process with other students. At last, tell the whole class that we are going to learn to use words like these to report what someone said.
Step 2. Presentation. (10 minutes)
Purpose: to use some films to help students deepen their understanding of direct speech and reported speech. It provides a real situation for students to understand them better.
1. After students finish the first film, I will ask students the question:
What’s his name? What did he say?
He said, “I’m Tony Baker, from ABC company.”
He said he was Tony Baker, from ABC company.
And I will help students use two answer forms to answer the second question. At the same time, I will explain the direct speech and reported speech. Then, repeat the other two films in the same way.
Film two:
Can the girl dance?
What did she say?
She said, “I can dance, too.”
She said she could dance, too.
Film three:
What did the man say to the woman ?
He said, “I want you to stay.”
He said he wanted her to stay.
2. After finishing seeing them, I’ll tell students that these short films they saw just now are soap operas and have students discuss and explain what soap opera is.
Step 3. listening (7 minutes)
Purpose: To train students’ listening skill.
1. Ask students to look at the pictures (P.26), point out the TV screen (It is also a soap opera) in the picture. Then ask students to read what Marcia said in the first picture.
What did Marcia say? She said she was having a surprise party for Lana on Friday night.
Then repeat the other pictures in the same way.
2. Ask students to listen and number the pictures in activity 1a. And check the answers.
Step 4. Grammar (15 minutes)
Purpose: In order to let students know this Grammar very well, I’ll analyze sentence structures ----- how to change direct speech into reported speech and do some exercises.
1. Analyze the sentence structures in the listening part and have students pay attention to the changes in person and tense.
1). “I am having a surprise party for Lana on Friday night.”
She said she was having a surprise party for Lana on Friday night.
2).“Lana thinks she is coming to my house to study.”
Marcia said Lana thought she was coming to her house to study.
2. Go on explaining the direct speech and reported speech in Chinese.
3. Do some exercises to check their understanding towards direct speech and reported speech.
Step 5. Groupwork (5 minutes)
Purpose: It’s important for students to use new language points to speak English as much as possible. Students can improve their English level.
Three students work as a group to make a dialogue. For example,
Student A: What are you going to do after school?
Student B: I am going to play basketball.
Student C: He said he was going to play basketball.
Then ask a few groups to present their conversation.
Step 6. Summary and homework (3 minutes)
Purpose: It’s necessary for students to do some exercises after class to consolidate the knowledge they have learnt.
Now we have learnt direct speech and reported speech. And know how change direct speech into reported speech. We also must pay attention to some changes in person and tense.
Next period we will go on learning some other changes. Homework for today:
1. Conclude how to change direct speech into reported speech.
2. What am I like in my parents’ eyes?
Ask your parents how they think of yourself.
You can use the question: What do you think of me?
Then write down their views.
Example: My father said I was cute.
That’s all. Thanks.

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