
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/05 02:47:57


The gift is BEAUTIFULLY decorated.修饰动词decorate.礼物包装得很漂亮.
Your answer is ABSOLUTELY right.修饰形容词right.你的回答是绝对正确的.
GENERALLY it's impossible to fly with a kite.修饰整个句子.一般,用风筝飞翔是不可能的.
I’ve never EVER done that.修饰副词never.表示强调.其他副词可以是任意副词,没有限定的说.

副词分为时间副词(now,today,at last,early,just.....),地点副词(here,above,behind....),方式副词(well,hard,noisily,happily....),频率副词(once,often)程度副词(quite,badly...)和疑问副词(why,when)
修饰动词(badly hurt),形容词(quiet small)和句子...


副词分为时间副词(now,today,at last,early,just.....),地点副词(here,above,behind....),方式副词(well,hard,noisily,happily....),频率副词(once,often)程度副词(quite,badly...)和疑问副词(why,when)
修饰动词(badly hurt),形容词(quiet small)和句子都十分常见
副词修饰其他副词,如so fast,quite well等等。


When: 修饰表时间的名词, 如time, hour, day, month, date, year等, 在从句中做时间状语
Do you still remember the day when you first came to school?
The first time that I came to school was in 1982.
I can’t...


When: 修饰表时间的名词, 如time, hour, day, month, date, year等, 在从句中做时间状语
Do you still remember the day when you first came to school?
The first time that I came to school was in 1982.
I can’t remember the exact time when (that) I went to visit the Great Hall of the People.
Where: 修饰表示地点的名词,在从句中做地点状语
It’s the room where I used to live in my childhood.
The factory where we worked last year is now being rebuilt.
The day which / that I can’t forget was my first day at school.
I can’t forget the day when I first met him.
You father once worked in the factory which we visited yesterday, didn’t he?
I often think of the days which I spent together with my classmates.


关于副词的用法语法书上说,副词可以修饰动词,其他副词,形容词,整个句子,能不能一一举个例子,尤其是其他副词包括哪些呢 什么是动副词短语,用法?动副词短语的用法 频动副词的用法 英语副词的用法大全,尽量详细说下副词修饰形容词的部分 副词修饰动词这样格式的语法 英语中副词的用法副词怎样修饰形容词? 汉语语法中副词能否修饰副词 英语中副词可以做定语吗?语法书上说时间、地点副词可以,我疑惑了,定语的定义是什么? 语法大师来 下面关于副词修饰的几个问题 麻烦看一下 谢谢 怎样判断副词修饰的是什么?1. 副词可以修饰动词和副词短语,怎么判断到底是修饰的哪一个?比如:He is far behind me.He was strongly agains 语法大师来 下面关于副词修饰的几个问题 怎样判断副词修饰的是什么?副词可以修饰动词和副词短语,怎么判断到底是修饰的哪一个?比如:He is far behind me.He was strongly against slavery.It's well ab study abroad 的用法study abroad中study 作为名词,abroad是副词,为什么副词可以修饰名词? 什么样的副词可以修饰动词 请问副词可以修饰名词吗?书上写好像是不可以, 但我看到enough money,这是明显的副词修饰名词...哪位可以指导一下 英语中副词可以修饰副词吗 英语里副词可以修饰副词吗 already的用法already是副词,可以这么说吗?I already forgot you.但是我觉得already没有修饰动词,难道主语后要加 am?这些知识比较模糊,是不是副词都要修饰? 什么是副词?副词的用法 副词是什么.副词的用法