
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/14 22:07:00


In recent years,supermarket chains,as a new type of retail Format,a "customer self-service,one-stop shopping" sales approach to food and daily operations such as middle and low commodity-based servers,has a high turnover,low profit margins,cheap and good sales approach,has brought revolution in retail.Currently,supermarket chains have gradually become the commercial,retail mainstream,for the expansion of domestic demand and stimulating economic growth made a significant contribution.However,the rapid development of business in the process also revealed many problems,this supermarket chain in the development of China's status quo analysis,on the future development of chain stores in China measures proposed.还都是一样的

In recent years, supermarket chains, as a new type of retail Format, a "customer self-service, one-stop shopping" sales approach to food and daily operations such as middle and low commodity-based ser...


In recent years, supermarket chains, as a new type of retail Format, a "customer self-service, one-stop shopping" sales approach to food and daily operations such as middle and low commodity-based servers, has a high turnover, low profit margins, cheap and good sales approach, has brought revolution in retail. Currently, supermarket chains have gradually become the commercial, retail mainstream, for the expansion of domestic demand and stimulating economic growth made a significant contribution. However, the rapid development of business in the process also revealed many problems, this supermarket chain in the development of China's status quo analysis, on the future development of chain stores in China measures proposed.


In recent years, the retail chain supermarket as a new format, using "customer service, this self," with food and cheap goods such as daily server, the high turnover, low-margin sales policy, cheap, r...


In recent years, the retail chain supermarket as a new format, using "customer service, this self," with food and cheap goods such as daily server, the high turnover, low-margin sales policy, cheap, retail and revolution. Currently, the supermarket chain has become the mainstream of Chinese business and retail, for the expansion of domestic demand, promoting the economic growth has made significant contributions. But in the rapid development of the business process also revealed many problems in China, this paper analyses the current situation of the development of supermarket chain supermarket chain of China, on the future development of countermeasures were proposed.


英语翻译近年来,连锁超市作为零售业的一种新型业态,采用“顾客自我服务、一次购齐”的销售方式,以经营食品和日常服务器等中低档商品为主,实行高周转率、低利润率、价廉物美的销售方 英语翻译连锁企业作为现代零售业最具发展潜力的业态形式,随着零售业改革的深化和对外开放力度的加大正在持续高速增长,国内零售业取得了巨大的发展,同时外资连锁超市纷纷进入中国大 英语翻译三通货物运输有限公司送货业务中的问题与对策摘 要:近年来,现代连锁零售业发展迅猛,其中大型综合超市的发展尤为突出.与此同时,我国的第三方物流企业也如雨后春笋般快速成 英语翻译而连锁超市是以连锁经营这一现代化商业经营组织制度为依托的一种新兴的零售业态,它采用了全新的经营理念,从过去的营销活动以“业种”型为中心,即以销售产品为中心,向以满足 英语翻译摘要2008年中国经济和社会消费品总额继续保持快速、稳定的发展态势,零售行业继续显现蓬勃发展的生机.大型连锁超市作为目前零售业发展的主要业态之一,在我国的竞争日趋激烈. 浅谈连锁零售业的发展现状及对策如何用英语翻译 跪求一段论文摘要英语翻译 Google翻译的就算了 希望能尽量的准确点哈摘要:现在,我国的零售业特别是连锁业发展迅速,其中大型综合超市的发最为明显.竞争也日趋白热化,在大型综合超市不 英语翻译劳驾帮我翻译成英文“随着零售业保护期的结束,我国零售业面对了前所未有的竞争态势.应该看到外商进入我国零售市场,对我国零售业既是一种机遇,也是一种挑战.零售业的对外开 英语翻译连锁经营方式自19世纪中后期在美国产生以来,目前已成为国际上普遍采用的一种企业经营制度,被广泛应用于零售业和服务业等众多行业,并且出现了国际化连锁经营的趋势.我国的零 英语翻译摘要:沃尔玛作为世界零售业的领军人物,在全球有着骄人的业绩,1996年进驻中国,短短十几年,沃尔玛连锁零售取得了不小的成绩,但更多凸显出的是与之地位不相称的问题.本文就沃尔 连锁经营的英文摘要摘要:我国加入WTO之后,图书零售业面临着国外图书连锁经营的挑战.新华书店作为我国图书发行的龙头部门,面临着市场定位不准、网点布局不合理、规模小、竞争力不强. 目前在上海,各类大卖场,连锁超市,以及便利店等零售业态已经趋于饱和,竞争非常激烈,已无较大的利润增长空间.如何在对手林立的市场环境中,生存与发展,**超市以其合理的目标市场营销策略 急求~~~~~~~~~~有关零售业或者超市选址 的英文文献 谢谢 bread for a supermarket 买面包的连锁超市吗? 英语翻译摘要媒介的发展与人类社会的演变紧密地交织在一起.媒介作为信息传递、交流的工具和手段,对现代社会的各个方面都有着极其深刻的影响.近年来,“网络红人”作为一种普遍而特殊 英语翻译大中型百货连锁企业构建物流战略联盟,是提升企业竞争优势,实现规模经济的一种有效的组织方式.本文从物流战略联盟作为我国大中型百货连锁企业获得规模经济的途径,从其带来的 英语翻译连锁经营作为零售商业的一种形式,首先在美国产生并发展起来,以后逐渐传到欧洲一些资本主义国家和日本.连锁经营凭借其独到的优越性,在发达国家得到了迅 速地发展,其销售额在 英语翻译连锁经营作为零售商业的一种形式,首先在美国产生并发展起来,以后逐渐传到欧洲一些资本主义国家和日本.连锁经营凭借其独到的优越性,在发达国家得到了迅 速地发展,其销售额在