英国文学名词解释,要英文的,5句话.romance,sonnet,metaphysical poetry,the Englightenment,gothic novel就这几个要名词解释,是要英文的解释,5句,还有三个要求,需要时间,代表人物,特色

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/17 15:14:13

英国文学名词解释,要英文的,5句话.romance,sonnet,metaphysical poetry,the Englightenment,gothic novel就这几个要名词解释,是要英文的解释,5句,还有三个要求,需要时间,代表人物,特色
romance,sonnet,metaphysical poetry,the Englightenment,gothic novel

英国文学名词解释,要英文的,5句话.romance,sonnet,metaphysical poetry,the Englightenment,gothic novel就这几个要名词解释,是要英文的解释,5句,还有三个要求,需要时间,代表人物,特色
1 Romance refers to the actions and feelings of people who are in love,especially behaviour that is very caring or affectionate.
2 a verse form consisting of 14 lines with a fixed rhyme scheme
3 The metaphysical poets are a group of English poets known for long difficult metaphors.John Donne is perhaps the most famous.Although their work was not popular in some periods,thanks to writers like T.S.Eliot their value to English literature seems mostly recognised these days.(来自wikipedia,字典查不到)
4应该是the Englightenment(你拼错了吧?启蒙运动哼?) The Age of Enlightenment was an 18th century cultural movement in Europe.It had its center in France and there it was led by philosophers like Descartes andDenis Diderot.Diderot spread the enlightenment's ideas with the Encyclopédie,the first big public book of reference.
5 Gothic novel as one branch of the English literature and the father of horror movies origins from The Castle of Otranto(1764).More importantly,it leads habitually with darkness and horror.Gothic elements include horror,mystery,supernatural phenomenon,misfortune,death,haunted houses,and family curses.