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英语论文 :A Study on the Cultural Translation in The A[1]

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/04 23:59:36 英语论文
英语论文 :A Study on the Cultural Translation in The A[1]英语论文
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[Abstract]The Analects, as the most important Confucian classic recording, whose translation has long been of immense importance to cultural exchange between the East and the West. So it is meaningful to study on which kind of method used in the process of cultural translation is much better in transmitting Chinese culture to western society, to let foreigners learn and understand the inner value of Confucianism.

[Key Words]cultural translation; communicative translation; semantic translation; The Analects

1. Brief Introduction to The AnalectsLun Yu, the most influential and enduring Chinese classic, is also known as The Analects, the Analects of Confucius, or the Confucian Analects, which shows its splendor as early as 2,400 years ago between the Spring and Autumn and the Warring States periods. Covering a wide scope of subjects from politics, philosophy, literature, and art to education and moral cultivation, The Analects is the earliest and most reliable source on the life and teachings of the sage, The Analects, is regarded by the Chinese as the basic scripture of Confucianism. Compiled by his disciples, The Analects recorded the saying and deeds of the great sage and his disciples.

2. About Communicative and Semantic Translation TheoryIn order to narrow the disparity between literal translation and free translation, Peter Newmark put forward two modes of translation, which were named as communicative translation and semantic translation. The former combines the advantages of adaptation, free translation, and idiomatic translation, while the latter contains the merits of word for word translation, literary translation, and faithful translation.

According to communicative translation theory, translation is a process of communication, which requires the translator do his best to transfer the source language culture into target language culture. When transplanting a passage on another cultural background, great effort should be made to get英语论文