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托业高频词汇和短语 Part1单词32

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/22 15:50:50 英语口语
托业高频词汇和短语 Part1单词32英语口语
emand要求.请求But we booked the table a week ago! I demand to see the manager.可是我们一星期前就预订餐位了!我要求见经理。forget忘记Did you forget to make a reservation?你忘记预订座位了吗?mix-up混乱的状态,混合(物),(口语)打架There seems to be a mix-up: you gave us a table near the kitchen, but we wanted a table near the window.你好像搞混了;你给了我们一张靠厨房的桌子,但我们要的是靠窗的桌子。patron老顾客、常客,赞助者Patrons of the hotel can park their cars for free.酒店的常客可以免费停车。relinquish让与,释放,放弃Andy relinquished his seat to a guest who was waiting.安迪把他的座位让给一位正在等候的客人。remind提醒,使想起The waiter forgot my drink; I need to remind him.那位服务生忘记送我的饮料了,我得提醒他。secure弄到.获得,为(借款等)作保,使安全You have to pay now to secure the reservation.你得现在付钱以保留订位。英语口语