
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/05 17:26:46 雅思考试(IELTS)
  • 【新东方】轻松直达90分!2017年雅思(IELTS)金牌保过课程火热开售中>>
  •   Some say that the government should stop supporting the professional sports activities and the cultural performances, and instead begin supporting schools to encourage children to take up sports and arts. What is your opinion?一些人说,政府应该停止支持专业级别的体育活动和文化表演,而是开始支持学校并鼓励在学校的孩子参与体育和艺术竞技。你的意见是什么?
      Recently, some people call for the government to stop supporting professional sports activities and cultural performances and instead begin supporting sports and arts at school. Nevertheless, as far as I am concerned, it is neither sensible nor practical to do so.
      Admittedly, professional sports activities and cultural performances bear some cost. However, they are worth the money considering the benefits they bring. In terms of the tangible benefits, better sports activities and cultural performances ca become a source of income, since they can propel the development of the tourist industry. With regard to the intangible ones, they can grace the national image and improve the national solidarity, which is of great value to a country. Therefore, it will be insensible to stop funding the professional sports activities and cultural performances.
      In terms of the idea of supporting amateur sports and arts at school, I strongly doubt about its effectiveness in encouraging the development of sports and arts. Students live in the real world, facing the actual need to find a job and make a living. If sports and arts fail to guarantee them a professional job, then who would be bothered to take up sports and arts in the first place? Even though some sports and arts enthusiasts may plan to stick to their hobbies, they will finally yield to the urgent need to make money by taking up a job in other specialized fields. And eventually, their interests in sports and arts die out in their busy lives.
      In conclusion, it is by no means a waste of money to support professional sports activities and cultural performances considering the tangible and intangible benefits they can bring to us. Moreover, only encouraging arts and sports at school fail to achieve the goal of promoting the development of arts and sports industry as a whole.雅思考试(IELTS)