
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 17:08:42
这张图上那些相同的影子是怎么用PS做出来的? 是以下哪一个?机不可失失不再来 机不可失时不再来 改错I’m sure you’ll have good time there.________________ his mother died when he was five and not long after his father was killed in a battle怎么翻译 杨树的棵树比柳树少3分之1,柳树的棵树比杨树多几分之几?再 多列举这样的例子,什么甲比乙多几分之几啊或者甲比乙多(少)几分之几则乙是假的()多多列举哦!先把我的问题解决在列举! Scarcely was he in his teens___his father died. A.than B.as C.while D.when 落花生的小练笔200用杨树作例子 杨树是什么样子的? tom is mother died when he was only 14he and his father?diffcult time after her death 月杨树是什么 “斜投影不能反映物体的真实尺寸”,这句话是不是说物体经斜投影而产生的影子的大小和形状与原来有区别? 关于物体的投影与影子下列说法正确的是A物体的投影就是物体的影子B物体的影子就是物体的投影C物体的正投影就是该物体的主视图D物体上方有一灯光源,则该物体的影子就是该物体的俯视 “只有投射到一个面子上的影子才叫投影”怎么理解“并非所有的影子都是投影,只有投射到一个面上的影子才叫投影”,那几个电筒照射一块木桩所产生的影子是投影吗?如果不是为什么? 曾子杀猪里曾子和他妻子谁对孩子的教育是对的?曾子的教育主张是什么 “机不可失,时不再来.”的意思 1/2×( )=( )×18/7=1×( )=3×( )=1 英语课堂上的口号 可以是汉语,也可以是英语 要积极向上的 山一程,水一程 风一更,雪一更 从这些词句中你个想到了那个成语?傻子不来 积极向上的用英语怎么说怎么不来个级别高的回答呀 The students would like_(play)football after class用所给词的正确形式填空 1.“机不可失,时不再来”.这句话强调的是时间的( ). After supper,the students play the piano.(对After supper提问). 用"得饶人处且饶人""机不可失,时不再来"写几句连贯的话. 关于校园的标语,30字之内,积极向上 parents your at are home ) 连词parents your at are home )连词成句 My parents are (at home)括号进行提问() ()your parents? Are your parents at home?还有 This is my uncle Henry Brown.(对uncle Henry Brown部分提问) Those boys and girls are my classmates.(作否定回答) This flower is very beautiful.(将名词单数改为复数) 似乎有点难--------英语填空{顺便说明理由好吗?}1.My family ____{move} to France the day after tomorrow2.He was badiy ill and we ________{take} him to hospital Last month we asked our students about their free time activities.翻译成中文 Last week I asked students about f______. compared with last year,our pay___about 500 yuan every month,有四个选项,选什么,A.has increased by B.has increased C.increased by D.increased to能说说选什么,说下这四个选项的区别与用法吗,参考答案是B, Compared with last year,our pay _____ about $500 every month.Compared with last year,our pay _____ about ¥500 every month.A.has increased by\x05\x05\x05\x05\x05B.has increased C.increased by\x05\x05\x05\x05\x05\x05D.increased to课本是这样的th