
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 03:12:49
碧空如洗、黄沙满天、波涛起伏、狂风怒号、百折不回连成一句话 接电线时不用焊锡膏可以吗,那样慢,还有焊锡膏会腐蚀手吗 明矾溶液和氢氧化钡明矾溶液中逐滴加入氢氧化钡溶液反应方程式及图像 He had a very wonderful time in Japan,_____he could always remember in his life.A.one B.that C.what D.where谁能解释一下为什么选A呢? I don't know whether he _____(drops/will drop)by tomorrow. 谁知道对金钱的淡然描述的句子 写一段话(3句话以上),用遥望、晶莹、资源、矿物、恩赐、节制、枯竭,写一段话.(3句话以上)用和蔼可亲、闪闪发光、风雨同舟,写一段话.(3句话以上)用一命呜呼、苟延残喘、罪魁祸 The film isn't true to life ,but it's very exciting ,and some of it is very funny.后面的“some of it is very funny"中,为什么是”some of it is very funny " 而不是are very funny The film is true___daily life;it's very interesting.A.with B.on C.to D.in 给出理由 请问充电器是输入100-240V,50/60Hz,0.15A的用电器能否用0.2A的进行充电?三星的充电器输入:100-240V 50-60Hz 0.15A 输出:5.0V-0.7ALG的充电器输入:100-240V 50-60Hz 0.2A 输出:5.0V-0.5A这两个充电器插头能否 The______that the new rule be adopted came from the chairman.A.ideaB.thoughtC.suggestionD.report回答并说明为什么. ________ down what the expert will say at the meeting,will you?Which of the following is not righA.Put B.Set C.Write D.Take都有记下的意思吧?哪个对呢Which of the following is not right?选不正确的一项。四个+down都有记下的意 ..酸性溶液,中性溶液和碱性溶液在组成上各有什麼特点?THZ 搞不懂的英语题目______ there is a good deal of truth in this idea.A.as a matter of fact B.in the eventC.it would seemD.surprisingly enough 有个英语问题一直搞不懂请先回答以下两个问题how did you like it?“你是如何喜欢上它的?”又该如何翻译 《阿Q正传》的Q的读音是什么? 阿Q正传的Q什么意思 《阿Q正传》里的Q是什么意思? 输入100~240V 50- 60hz 7w 输出DC-12V 0.能不能用在输出9Vdc==0.6A的充电器代替输入100~240V 50- 60hz 7w 输出DC-12V 0.能不能用在输入100-240v-50-60hz 0.3a输出9Vdc==0.6A的充电器代替那个大虾指教额 请问Once u leave,the feeling will stay or leave? Will you stay or leave? 老 字开头的诗句 三相电机电流应怎么算?方程式是什么? ____ the sports meet will be held depends on the weather.A.When ever B.If C.Whether D.That谢� Whether we will go camping tomorrow dependens on the weather.为甚吗不用if? 处的多音字组词第一声的啊!快 商品经济与资本主义的关系简答题 (1)商品经济出现 (2)资本主义生产方式产生 (3)生产力发展 (4)资本原始积累 (5)社会分工扩大 资本主义生产方式的确立怎样促进商品经济的发展 封建时代的商品经济与资本主义商品经济有何区别 初中物理怎样补起(27天)我物理不太好 马上放假了27天 请问这27天怎样做补习好?现在初三了..我考试才考70几啊。要考到90以上! 形容厦门的词语我要写作文,用什么词来形容厦门呢,各位提提建议吧,,快.