
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 06:59:44
改为同义句:Shall we go shopping today?( )go shopping today. do you know what kind of work ___ ____ do 为什么是 I could而不是 could I 文言文《自相矛盾》的古义和今义是什么 i make a lot of errors ()spelling.括号里填什么 there are many foreigners visiting the Great Wall every year句中的visit为什么要加ing 循序而渐进,熟读而精思.变成繁体字 有一首英文歌,一开始是,i want to be a hammer then a nailif i could i really would 等等后面高潮是like a swan its hear and gon有谁知道? 英语翻译一本书的书名 “三”这个字在古文中的古义和今义. 文学为什么叫liberal art而不是literal art liberal humanist 是什么意思? economics属于science还是liberal art还是social science还有finance 是属于哪种 还是说可以文科也可以理科呢 Liberal Studi是什么意思 liberal什么意思 He (){not like}visiting the Great Wall at all one day.(用单词所给形式填空) As a great many people will be visiting the country是什么结构as a great many people will visit the country 不正确么?为什么用be visiting 这种结构呢 liberal arts university 什么意思? You often make a lot of mistake in spelling.You often make a lot of (mistake) in spelling.的正确形式. exposure to the liberal arts and humanities 这里的exposure怎么翻译啊暴露显然不合适啊exposure to the liberal arts and humanities 这里的exposure怎么翻译啊暴露显然不合适啊 Arts and Humanities是什么意思 求游龙戏凤里i should have told you的歌词..忒难找了 游龙戏凤插曲 《i should have told you》 是谁唱的? 选择:翻译:Not until he finished his homework () him to watch TVin the evening.A his mother allowedB his mother had aoolwedC did his mother allowD had his mother allowed为什么选它? Jim's mother let him watch TV after he finished his homework.(保持句意基本不变)Jim's mother------------- let him watch TV------------he finished his homework 万里长城可用什麼壮观的四字词语形容? “愕”字可以组什麼词语组词哦 liberal和libertarian有什么区别? 自由主义、凯恩斯主义、福利国家对自由主义的理解分别是什么? 社区主义和自由主义有什么区别? I am not myself 自由主义,自由制度主义,新自由制度主义--区别?最近在看国际政治,这几个主义分布清楚,请高手来教教我这个笨孩子. I should have told you loveice是谁唱的?电影游龙戏凤的英文插曲 就刘德华告诉舒琪他是程仲森的那段