
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 11:34:13
英语的一个选词填空-----I hear this CD ___ on the market.-----Yes.So you'd better get it now before we ____.A.is sold well;sell out itB.sells well;sell it outC.sells good;sell out itD.is sold good;sell it out简要说明理由,我觉得第一 英语选词填空 就一道_________ did he live there?He lived there for 7 yearshow,how much,how many,how tall,how old ,how often没有how long 选项 “我们在打网球,你们呢?”用英语怎么说? 英语翻译 Kate's never late for school,is she? She is never late for school,late为什么不加s She's never late for school,_____she?是填 is she?还是 has she? she's never late for school,_____ ______(翻译疑问句) She's never late ffor school.(改为现在完成时) She__ never___late for school. 一道英语的选词填空many people eat cakes on the birthday.in england,it is a tradition ______ a child to have a cake on his or her ______.the cake has the ______ of candles as the childs's ______.during the ______ ,the candles ______ be lit an 一道英语选词填空.can, together, bad, good, rain, drop, water, move, because, everywhere What's the weather like in summer?There is a lot for_1_in summer.Rain is made of_2_in the air.There is always water in the air.Warm air has much water 英语选词填空一道12(wrong change sure good had matter right tell know leave hope drink) a:Hello,Harris.B:Hi,Bob.A:You don't look quite ____.B:Nothing has gone ____ for me today.A:What was the ____?B:I don't ____.It just isn't my day.A:Please _ 表示欢迎别人来到北京,希望他能在北京过的愉快,舒服,好好欣赏奥运会.用英语怎么说要多几种表达方式.也可以说说其它在奥运中会用到的句子.都可以啊!跪求! Lily has never been to Hainan,_______ she?( ) Lily’s never been to Hainan,________ she?A.is B.isn’t C.has D.hasn’t说明理由 Lingling has never heard of the singer,has she?的翻译 放弃 英文单词缩写怎么写 This book is less interesting than that book?(同义句)that book is ____ ____ ____ this book . 两天以后 英语怎么说等我回来两天以后我就去找你.英语怎么说用上second怎么说? “他已经来了两天”的英语怎么说He ___ ___ two days sgo. 英语翻译_is important for you _ _a_diet 空格是要填的 知道啦 不用啦 保持自然平衡很重要的英文怎么说?the balance of nature.)代表一个空格 “保持平衡”用英文怎么翻译? 对我们来说保持生态平衡很重要)英文翻译 他们正在打棒球用英语怎么说 问都死英语怎么拼 没我你又不会死英文怎么拼要纯英文 不要翻译的 人类与自然和谐相处用英语怎么写用英语 用get 还有(对……担忧、利用、本应到达、被提出、即使、他说话的、信不信由你、应该以自己的兴趣为基础、起重要作用) 急需英文翻译 人与自然和谐相处英语作文一篇,字数400—600,中等难度 英语填空题,上面4个下面5个 住院用英语怎么说? “在住院”用英语怎么说? 翻译(英) 他正在洗澡. 你们去年春天在哪里度假的? 我们在昨天的聚会上过的不愉快.你们今天早上几点吃早饭.你需要喝点咖啡吗?约翰和汤姆已经吃过午饭了.你经常下午游泳吗?你晚餐通常