
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 19:49:55
我英语四级过了,考剑桥商务英语有难度吗 But you s什么 do your homework first. 孔子思想 在春秋 不被统治者采纳 原因能不能在详细点 Y can't watch TV first.You must do your homework first(祈使句) 战国百家争鸣和春秋老子 孔子思想出现的共同原因是什么 Can you do your homework _____?A the first B one C first D the one 孔子的仁爱思想为什么在春秋时期不受欢迎 you must do your homework ___ Afirst B.the first C.in first D.at the first 解释错误的选项错在哪 no.do your homework first.的问句是什么shall开头 英语六级和四级题型有什么不同? 求新概念英语三的课文音频mp3. 新概念英语第二册课文录音MP3 速求! 想一句古埃及法老惩治犯人的咒语 应该是what the fuck还是what's the fuck 还是what's the fucking?fuck在句中是什么成分?那么后两种句式就是错的了? 关于古埃及最年轻的法老和最著名的法老他们是谁?请分别介绍一下,言简意赅,不要太罗嗦,拉美西斯二世不能称为最著名的么?他可不比图坦卡蒙差把?请问图坦卡蒙几岁继位?几岁死去? 古埃及咒语 古埃及法老的衣物是什么样子?(只许介绍衣服的样子,不许介绍古埃及历史) what the fuck they.这首歌名字什么 what the fuck are you you must do your homework as carefully as possiblecarefully在这里是什么词?为什么不用careful What are those?___A.they are apple trees B.they are apples trose are apples c.those are apple trees答案是A不过为啥不能选C呢 what are they?they are apples改为单数句 What are those?___They are books.(改为单数句)—————?————————。 古老的埃及法老之谜怎样了? You must do your homework(祈使句) You can do your homework.改为祈使句You can do your home work first.改为祈使句 Are these your trousers?Yes,these are.这句话哪里错了?不可能没有错的哦~ “放松”的英文怎么说?今天是倒数第二天放假,要写一篇英语作文,当中有个单词不会,快克雷! Are these your trousers?Yes,these are, 单句改错 Aer these your notebooks?Yes,there are.