
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/05/01 03:38:57
矜持 这个词的意思是什么? “矜持”解释一下这个词的意思?矜持? 和矜持同样意思的词语就是和矜持这种词语说出来就觉得很经典的.并以此为口头禅的2个字的词语叫别人别乱说话(有威慑力的词语,但不要感觉很暴力)比如说:淡定(这类有点深度的词语 他们说我女友矜持,是好是坏啊. "don't sleep in class",teachers say to us.同义句转换teachers ask us ______ ______ sleeping in class 用can,can not各写五句class rules 不懂英语啊,帮忙翻译下,谢谢 英语翻译 (in,is,it,not,the,bedroom)这些单词能组成什么句子 请翻译一下,我实在看不懂 Class is over!分析各个词在句子中的成分over充当什么语啊?快上课了 实在看不懂这个“小猫沿两个水池边上的路跑一圈”是什么意思.森林游乐园里有两个正方形的水池,边长都是25米,两个水池的中间有一条小路.小猫和小兔进行赛跑,小猫沿两个水池边上的路跑 今年中国戒烟日的主题是什么 I do not regret that because of this is that I ask for at you are hate you are hate Because that's what I do.I talk.What are you doing? hate you but you are 啥意思,求翻译 You are right.I will hate you I just want to hold you* 馨的部首是什么? i just want to hold you是什么意思 馨的偏旁部首 馨字的部首是什麽一定要在字典上能查到的 Word of mouth 怎么翻译 He gets great word of mouth.Stellar rep.Balls the size of Texas?求翻译 翻译 我们已经说得很清楚了,我们要坚决地反对这条规则(make...clear) 一些关于马克思主义哲学的判断题判断题(本题共10小题,每小题1分,请在你认为对的题后括号内打一个“√”,认为错的题后括号内打一个“”,不需要改错.)1、马克思主义是关于自然、社会 he keeps( )(ask)me the time and i keep ( )(tell) him( )buy a watch.mike stopped ( )(listen),but there was no more sound at all.i can feel my heart( )(beat)fastwhen i went into the office,i saw all the teachers( )(have)a meeting.i found it easy( )(hel 英语翻译Hving so mang thing to do ,you will be fascinated with the new image .Basically ,the shocko loco example describle how most people will react when the honeymoon phase is over .One of the majory causes of culture shock is being cut off for 帮忙翻译成中文,谢谢(>﹏