
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 16:17:49
三角形的高、中线与角平分线均指____,而垂线是____,角平分线是____.快,加50分哦 已知三角形ABC的三条角平分线AD BG CH 相交于点o ,过o点作垂线 三角形的角平分线和垂线△ABC中,AB>AC,AD为高,AE为∠BAC平分线,DE=(BD*AC-DC*AB)/(AB+AC) 是否正确?我看到某题的答案中用到了这个定理, 1.i feel like ______ (swim) in the river. 关于被动语态的问题1.The ancient Egyptians are supposed to have sent rockets to the moon a long time ago.为什么要用have?2.Everything taken into consideration,the plan Xiao Wang put forward seems to be more workable.前半句中的taken 求德语标准发音!怎么老师教的和课本上MP3的读音不一样啊,从字母开始就不一样,比如B,MP3上读音和英语读音差不多,但是老师说要读成“bei”,就像“背”的音.挺困扰我的 《标准德语发音》这本书怎么样?《标准德语发音》(附1MP3) 作 者:付天海 (主编) 出版社:大连理工大学出版社 这本书适合初学者使用吗?我仅仅是因为感兴趣而学德语,纯粹是为了好玩, The class America is almost same as that in China.but something is different中间空白处加什么?加的是冠词! The weather in China is the same ____ this in that in选什么?为什么?这几个词有什么区别? 哪个英文代表摄像头驱动?就是找驱动盘,装驱动时分不清哪个英文是哪个硬件的驱动. Look,the boy ______ (swim) in the river. He is afraid to swim in the river.=He ____ ____ ____swim in the river . Look!They ________ in the river.A. swim B. are swimming C. are swiming D. to swim 英语作文(初中+高中) 写作方法指导其实我就想要些比较常用的词组,单词,好的句子我初三,通常都是些议论文或记叙文我不知道连词该怎么用 还有标点符号怎么加怎样突出主题,题材新颖些 被动语态的问题小弟初学新概念,Question1.Someone tells them 改成被动语态 They are told Question2.这句 They are told 句子是已经完成的句子吗?我总觉得很不合理 如何后面加个人称代词 比如 me you 的 句子 有关被动语态的问题His mother bought him a new coat.变被动1.He was bought a new coat by his mother.2.A new coat was bought for him by his mother.但是第一句He was bought a new coat by his mother.我有点看不懂,可以这么变吗? Look! The girl is swimming so fast. I___she__swimA know,can't b knew ,can't c don'tknow,can d didn't know,could 被动语态的问题讲到飞船发射时,要不要用被动呢?the spaceship lifted off还是the spaceship was lifted off?如果Lift off换成launch呢? 有手机软件能翻译英文吗?(写作业用) Let's_______[move] the picture and the lamps. 翻译:看到绿色“行走”标志时,我们可以过马路 _we see the green"walk"sign,we can _the road. Nancy非常感谢你 用英语咋说 The boys have a ping-pong club.改为一般疑问句不但要改还要教方法.和否定句 shhhh怎么读音标怎么写 明天我陪nancy过节 翻译成英文怎么说? She works in a hospital 改成现在进行时 线面成角在立体几何中如何证?二面角如何找?不太擅长三垂法 May i have the pleasure to make a friend with you I knew you from ZhiDao of BaiDu.Your oral english must be great .A foreign client will visit our company but I can't speak out in english .May I have the pleasure to make a friend with you My MSN is g i hope you can have a good time during the may day we ( ) five ping-pong balls.A.doesnot have B.have c .has 把棱长3厘米的正方体橡皮泥.捏成底面积是3.14平方米的圆柱体,高是多少 把一个棱长是2分米的正方形削成一个最大的圆柱体,他的侧面积多少分米?