
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 07:33:21
Lucy is always the most early one .改错Lucy is always the most early one to get to school.改错题,拜脱了.. 代数——数列(求解)记Sn为数列的前n项和,若S2n-1=(2n-1)(2n+1),则Sn=A:n/2(2n+1) B:n(2n+3) C:n/2(2n+3) D:n(n+2)为何解答是:由已知,S2n-1=(2n-1)[(2n-1)+2],(这一步是怎么得来的?)所以Sn= n(n+2).选D. 急求代数数列、排比的公式!越快越好! 代数数列,不难,不想算了,已知a1=2,an/a(n-1)=n/(n+1),求an.a(n+1)就是排在an后面的项,不要误会了,“A/B”就是A除以B.该选谁呢,都不错啊 数列归纳发的一个证明,和代数之后的式子1+4+9```+n^2=1/6n{n+1}{2n+1} he is used to raising early in the morning 改错 _____is reported in the newspaper,he is very popular among young adultsa what b that c as d who为什么请详细回答 Swimming is very popular in A_____.What 前文有提到 Australia. 3分之1+3分之1X=6分之5 是解方程 x²+6分之1x-3分之1=0 高中英语阅读如何写!高一的时候完型填空很差 阅读很好.可是到了高三 完型填空上去高中英语阅读如何写!高一的时候完型填空很差 阅读很好.可是到了高三 完型填空上去了 阅读完全写不来 4分之1x+2乘3分之1=6 解方程,6分之1x+3分之2=4, 常州市第三中学在哪里 我们中华民族有哪些有气节的人物 他们有哪些英雄事迹 英语翻译他给我无微不至的关怀.不允许我受到任何的伤害.他在我措手不及的时候捧着玫瑰花出现,给我热泪盈眶的惊喜.他记得我最在乎的事,惦记着我最爱的人,一步一步帮我实现未完成的梦 英语翻译我们的理念:整合洞察、洞察是预见、透过现象看本质,是直击问题的核心,是创意的开关,是寻求解决问题方案的秘诀,是从想象的本质和源头上去思考,正确地发现问题与解决问题.力 本人低分过六级,想问找工作对六级多少分有要求吗?我大二四六级都一次性通过,可成绩都不高,也就是上线成绩.请问六级的具体成绩对今后找工作是否有帮助呢?还是只要过了就可以呢? As birds woke up the farm early in the moring,a man was already up Trinity Fore,12,__in the early moring,then ate a quick break. A woke up B got up 选哪个,为什么谢谢 我早就醒了,用一般过去时对吗,I woke up early对吗 求英雄事迹最好是中国的如果是作文就要400字以上 It's still early you [ ] be in a hurryA.don't B.mustn't C.needn't D.have to 方程x^2+y^2+2x-4y-6表示的图形是 The plan is still in its early stage ____there is room for improvement.A that B how C which D when 选什么为什么 判断下列方程表示的图形,为什么 x^+y^=0 x^+y^-2x+4y-6=0 x^+y^+2ax-b^=0 英语翻译With financial uncertainty dominating politics in the United States,President Bush is due to address the nation as opposition continues in Congress to his administration’s 700-billion-dollar rescue plan.bbc的一段话,怎么看怎么 英语翻译Seller's failure to object to these P.O.Terms or any other portion of the Order,Seller's shipment of conforming or non-conforming goods,or Seller's performance of services contemplated under the Order shall constitute an acceptance of the 英语翻译If the modern scientific world looks back into the mirror of its coming into being,its gaze meets Leibniz – the mathematician,natural scientist,engineer,logician,philosopher,jurist,science organizer and perhaps the last universalist,who 09年六级成绩查询2009年六级成绩 将于 8.20 早上9点公布我想问下,现在或是提前几天比如15、16号发短信可不可以查到成绩啊以前好像听说过手机可以提前查成绩, 英语翻译__61__It doesn’t matter how well a person can write in foreign script,or finish a vocabulary test.To learn,improve,and truly use our language,we need to speak.This is the stage when language students should calm down,and feelings of __6 英语翻译申请原因:图面上厚度规格:8.0±0.1mm,供应商在裁切时难以保证做到此规格,在丝拉过程中也会减少材料的厚度,目前按此规格生产,已明显增加重工与报废数量.变更内容:建议将厚度