
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 14:03:02
英语翻译As an app developer,you don't need to worry about whether a device is Android compatible,because only devices that are Android compatible include Google Play Store.So you can rest assured that users who install your app from Google Play S 用所给词的适当形式填空:He ______ (tell) to connect the keyboard to the computer at once.She ______ (tell) to come yesterday.同义句改写:I phoned my cousin.I ______ my cousin.I ______ my cousin.I ______ ______ ______ ______ ____ 2.、挂钟6点钟敲6下,10秒敲完,那么9点钟敲9下,几秒敲完? he knows the rules but doesn't know how to__it A control B direct C apply D run 1.Mary told me that what Tim had said to her __________ very moving.is are was were 2.We can surely overcome these difficulties __________ we are closely united.even if as if as long as as good as 3.The happiness of a country consists __________ the 挂钟6点钟敲6下,10秒钟敲完;9点敲9下,几秒钟敲完?挂钟6点钟敲6下,10秒钟敲完;9点敲9下,几秒钟敲完?要列算式! 长城M4的动力表现如何? 挂钟6点钟敲6下,10秒钟敲完,那么9点敲9下,几秒钟敲完 求大神分析明天下雨的几率 1.小慧买了16个鸡蛋,总质量是0.988千克,求每个鸡蛋的平均质量约多少千克(精确到0.001千克)?2.(选择题)近似数2.95的准确值a的范围是 ( )A.2.90<a<2.99 B.2.90≤a≤3.00C.2.945≤a<2.955 D.2.945< √8分之√50+√32-4(√12-3√3)^0= 一个挂钟敲六下要30秒,敲12下要几秒?谁知道怎么算吗答案是66秒 为什么啊 一个挂钟敲六下要三十秒,那敲十二下呢?66秒.大家能猜出为什么要66秒吗! 判断下列每题中的两种量是否成正比例.(1)爸爸比小明大28岁,小明的年龄与爸爸的年龄.(2)白纸的张数一定,每本本子的页数和可以订的本数. 说说小明10周岁前的体重是如何随年龄增长而变化的北师大版数学书6年级下第18页 求 《今天,我想说说心里话》 的作文题材 一道初一方程应用题(要求1.打出分析过程,2.列出方程3.一环形跑道长400米,甲骑车每分钟行550米,乙跑步每分钟行250米,两人同地同向出发,甲先行2分钟.乙再跑,经过多少分钟两人首次相遇?要求 丢丢家的一面挂钟6时敲6下,10秒钟敲完.10时敲响10下,需要多长时间? 挂钟6时敲响6下,10秒钟敲完,12时敲响12下,需要多少秒? 102,96,108,84,132,( ),请问( )内是那个 (3+1)(3^2+1)(3^4+1)(3^8+1)(3^16+1)的答案是2分之一(3^32-1) ,为什么要乘2分之一啊,不要算式,要文字式说明!前提是我要弄的很清楚 √32是4√2吗?能怎么化算?方法,求,我的财富值不高了,只有这么一点. 求专业详解一道化学实验题 只有一个空 、请看第(2)问E装置充满水后正放,气体由b端进入(或E装置充满水后倒放,气体由a端进入)为什么当充满水后,正放就一定要从b端进入?或者是充满水 Could I speak to is in charge of International Sales pleaseA.who B.what C.whoever D.whateverCould I speak to _____ is in charge of International Sales please?选下列哪一项?为什么? Could I speak to___is in charge of International Sales please?那为什么这句话不能用someone 作主语呢 (1+√2)(1-√3)要过程 2.(2√2+3√3)^2要过程 3.(√2+√3)(√2-√3)要过程谢谢 圆明园谁烧的? 计算正五边形和正十边形的每个内角和是多少度 Is it he or you who are in charge of the job 为什么who后面跟的是are?因为就近原则吗? it you or I who _ to be responsible for the accident? A.Is;am B.Is;are C.Are;am D.Are;is 6、8、9的最大公约是几? 微软招聘题目.一个等边三角形ABC每个顶点有一只蚂蚁,每只蚂蚁同时出发朝着另一只蚂蚁的爬去,目标随机选择,问;蚂蚁不相撞的几率是多少?