
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 22:26:31
若函数f(x)满足f(-x)=-f(x),又在x>0上单调递增,且f(3)=0,则不等式xf(x) 已知奇函数f(x)在(0,+∞)上单调递增,且f(3)=0,则不等式x*f(x) 关于x的方程kx=6-x的解是正整数,则k=_______ 是否存在整数M,使关于X的不等式样1+M/3X>X/M+9/M与X+1>(X-2+M)/3是同解不等式?若存在,求出整数M的值和不等式的解集;若不存在,请说明理由(要有过程) They were walking home _____ a tall man stopped them and demanded their purses.A.when B.while C.that D.until 为什么?还有,为什么不能选D?我觉得选until可以突出“他们走路回家”这个动作一直持续到那男的拦住他们… M:Where are we now,ladies and gentlemen?W:Weˊre walking in the largest square in the world and heading for the Great Hall of the People.Question:Which direction are they facing now?A.The westB.The northC.The south请说明理由, we all know that,______________,the situtaion will be declining.A.if not dealt carefully with B.if not carefully dealt withC.not if dealt with carefully D.not if carefully dealt with The writer was so _____ in her work that she didn't notice a stranger enter the room.A.absorbed B.centered为什么另一个不对... 一道高中英语题目.____ others say, the professor is sure that his theory is correct.A.No matter how B.It doesn’t matterC.Whatever D.What ever为什么不选C...答案选D 函数f(x)对任意的a,b属于R都有f(a+b)=f(a)+f(b)-1,并且当x>0时f(x)>1.1.求证:f(x)是R上的增函数2.若f(4)=5,解不等式f(3m²-m+2)0时f(x)>1.1.求证:f(x)是R上的增函数2.若f(4)=5,解不等式f(3m²-m+2) 是否存在整数m,是不等式mx-m>3x+2的解为x 一道高中英语试题,请各位高手解答一下Keep your car in good ( ) and it well drive long. A.instruction B.position C.condtion D.situation The hours of hard work ___when he became the champion of the game .A.paid forB.paid offC.paid backDpaid uppaid off 与paid back 有什么区别? a=-二分之一,b=4,求(2分之a)²-b²除以2,-(ab³)+a³b的值 把下列各数用小于号连接. -6,(-2)²,负二又四分之三,0,|-3|,(-1)³,3,二分之一 解不等式2+3x-2x²<0 1.( )The supermarket ______ from 9:30 am to 21:30 pmA.is open B.opens C.is opened D.will open2.( )-Will you be going to McDonald's to eat tonight?-I imagine________.3.( )Whether they want to meet her_______.A.remains to see B.remains to be seen C.con (急)6道英语选择题,要详细解释6. ______you __________ the film before ? Where _____ you ____ it ?A. Have …seen…did…see B. Did …see…did…watchC. Have…seen…have…seen D. Did …see…have…seen8.Where ______ John ___ 1、What do you want to do in the future?I want to find a job _____ radio .A.at B.in C.for D.to2、It‘s time for dinner .Please stop _________ TVA.watching B.watch C.to watch D.not watch3、It's 7:00 am.Mrs Green is busy _____ her sonA.dressing B.w 1.How are you feeling now?l'm feeling ___ top of the world.A.by B.on C.with D.in2.lt's very kind ___ you ___ me.A.of;help B.of;to help C.for;help D.for;to help3.Every family has its own rule,_____.A.so my family does B.so my family has C.so does my f 英语选择题6道1.Everyone played well._____.2.His home is far away,_____. 3.I felt she was wrong _____.4.Anne liked Tim _____.5.Although the players were tired, _____.6.Our team lost, _____.a. although I didn't say so at the time. b. but he has n -2【a²bc】²×二分之一a×【bc】³-【-abc】³×【-abc】² -2(a²bc)²×½a(bc)³-(abc)²×(-abc)³ (二分之一ab²c²)(三分之一abc²)³×(12a³b) (四分之三a³b²-二分之一abc)×2ab= 高中数学函数类问题到底该咋做呢? 高中数学函数都有什么样的类型题学时听得懂但不会做,最好每个类型题都讲解,主要是必修一的, fx=(1-2∧x)/(1+2∧x).1..判断奇 偶性2.求证函数在r上是减函数 函数类的 第九题 请说明理由!1.He has visited a great number of different places.He hasn't stayed in_place.(a)the only (b) A similar (c) The same (d) Alike 2.he will visit darwin_ (a)quickly (b) for a short time (c) shortly 3.he wi 请说明理由While my parents_____(watch)TV.I got home 还有 This pet dog followed Old Henry everywhere 中为什么跟随为复数跟随为什么为过去式! 几道英语选择题(请说明理由)1.--You are always scolding him,aren't you ---yes,what he eats_______harm to his health.A.does do B.do does C.do do D.does did 2.we should spare no efforts to stop pollution ___happily.A.from living B.to live