
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 00:33:22
英语翻译王若琳的even if we did 和中文翻译!3Q要完整的! 求金俊秀音乐剧《天堂的眼泪》里can you hear me 的英文词.虽然不是秀唱的,但也很喜欢,请仙给个词,谢! 英语翻译Would you know my name if I saw you in heaven?Would you feel the same if I saw you in heaven?I must be strong and carry on ’Cause I know I don’t belong here in heaven...Would you hold my hand if I saw you in heaven Would you help me s 1.我正考虑去广州度假.I'm _____ ______going to Guangzhou for vacation.2.我哥哥计划下周和朋友们去野营.My brother ________ going _________with his friends next week.3.I hope you enjoy yourself.(改为同义句)I hope you _____ The children would like to go for a picnic(对to go for a picnic提问) 同义句1.I bought this knife a week agoI () () his knife for a week 2.He has bought a red coat.She has bought a red coat,tooHe has bought a red coat() () She 改错1.He didn't get his mother a gift.Instead of he made a special meal for her.2.You do 1、用英文解释“not careful”2、排序a、It was really exciting.What's your favorite sport?b、Me,too.Are you going to be a roller-skater?c、Hi,Xiao Ming!What did you do last night?d、Yes,I believe I'll be a famous roller-skater.e、What d 24个英文字母 24个英语字母 请问,十二生肖它最精,是什么生肖 I wish I could carry your smail in my heart for times hope your futhure will be batter 这句怎么翻译噢?... i wish i could break your 十二生肖中坚强的动物是那一个生肖 I wish I can fIy in your I wish i could your one I can almost feel your kiss Almost promise my heart But my promise is more like a wish翻译 She borrowed my bike two weeks ago.同义句转换she______ ______my bike for two weeks. 问一道英语题 : I think English is very fun为什么不用funny,be动词后边不是要跟形容词吗 .fun是名词啊! 用since,for,ago填空 1.he stayed with us ( ) two weeks.2.she arrived two weeks ( )3.i have not seen him ( ) monday.4.he has been ringing up continually ( ) lunchtime.5.we waited ( ) ages.6.he left a month ( ) and i have not seen him ( ) then.7.it h 求翻译:The English teacher regiments his class very closely. 求一个语言文字的笑话, 有没有语言文字方面的笑话 Toby wom a prize last time改为一般疑问句 They went to the aquarium last sunday.第二句是对went to the aquarium提问 十二生肖有哪些? 有谁知道十二生肖怎样更好记?假如:卯兔、亥猪 模仿秀:例:鸟儿 飞机 高空飞翔,鱼儿 潜水艇 潜入海底.() () () they asked me if she could come.中为什么用could She asked whether she could go home 改成一般疑问句 She asked me whether he could dance or sing. 中whether he could dance or sing是什么从句?不会是宾语从句吧?已经有宾语me了 帮忙找一篇写栀子花的散文散文诗也可以 一朵栀子花 散文赏析 栀子无言文章全文,