
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 16:39:11
已知a=2x3xm,b=3x5xm(m是自然数且m≠0),如果a和b的最大公约数是21,则m是多少?a和b的最小公倍数是几? a=2x3xm,b=3x5xm(m是自然数且不是0)如果a和b的最大公约数是21,则m是(),此时a和b的最小公倍数是() 英语完形高手进Ban the Band(乐队) Every year,out school has a dance for all the students.It’s a little funny seeing friends in clean shoes and trousers or colorful __36____,instead of the usual school uniform.Most of us think the dance is g 一只船发现漏水时,已经进了一些水,水匀速进入船内.如果12人淘水,3小时可将水淘完;如果5人淘水10小时才可以将水淘完.如果要在2小时内将水淘玩,要安排多少人淘水? 小明和哥哥在环形跑道上练习长跑,他们从同一起点沿相反方向同时出发,每隔25秒相遇一次.现在,他们从同一起跑点沿相同方向同时出发,经过25分钟哥哥追上了小明,并且比小明多泡了20圈,求: 一道超难的英语完形填空J.K.rowling is the write of Harry Potter,which is now one of the best-sellers in the world.She __31__ born in Bristol on July 31st,1965.She has one sister who is two years __32__ than her.Both girls loved __33__ to th 一些英语完形填空题(超难的)in china ,lots of people go to work by bike and you can see bikes h____and t____.there is a h____ near our school.many buses and cars are running on it every day.some of them are h_____ of years old.go s_____ 英语超好的来 完形填空选择词语适当形式 词语:among,of,believe,seem,reply,back,balloon,study,perhaps,understand,answer,land (有两个多余)Many people today like reading stories about UFOs.Many people in different countries are 一片难的英语完形填空Gail and her dog,Sam,are standing at the street corner.They\'re waiting for the cars to go by.They want to go 41 the street.She is waiting for Sam to decide when they should cross.  42 blind people use special,traine 英语超简单完形填空!急!S__ball is very popular in englandin summer we have to t_______ a shower every dayboys and girls l________ to me carefullyscott is busy all day.he is a t_____but happy man.december is the i______month of a yearit's no. a=2x3xm,b=3x5xm[m是自然数,不等于o].如果a和b的最大公约数是21,则m是[ ],a和b的最小公倍数是[ ]. 请教一道高三政治计算题.(详细的解答过程)2008年某企业生产的甲商品单位价值量为36元,2009年甲商品的社会劳动生产率提高了20%,该企业劳动生产率提高了60%,若其他条件不变,则该企业2009年 英语 完形填空Electric bicycles which run on battery—operated(电瓶)motors are winning over riders of ordinary bikes__41_their speed and quality.They were first_42__in 1980s in China,but the selling was not very good.Today thanks_43__ imp 30和36的最大公因数是()x()=() ^ ^ ^ 填什么?前两个括号也要答案 某区对用电的收费标准入下:每月用户用电不超过10度的部分,按每度0.45元收费,超过10度而不超过20度的部分,按每度0.80元收费;超过20度的部分按每度1.50元收费.某月甲用户比乙用户多交电费7 一个剧场设置了25排座位,后一排比前一排多两个座位,最后一排有70个座位,这个剧场一共有多少个座位? 把一段绳子分成15份,有些8米有些5米,已知8米的绳子总长比5米的总长长3米.求这条绳子的长度 在人间的一天相当于在纳尼亚的一年,请问在纳尼亚3天,相当于在人间多长时间?在纳尼亚12年,相当于在人间多长时间? 一个保险类的计算题,22.一赔付率超赔合同规定,赔付率超过75% 后的50%,由接受公司负责,并规定120万元为赔付限额.如果分出公司的净保费收入为200万元,已发生赔款为160万元,则赔付率为( ).A 高三政治计算题,要详细的过程和讲解,谢谢了我国某企业在国际市场上以6美元/件的价格出售100万件某商品,该企业生产商品的成本是人民币13元/件,如果该企业的个别劳动生产率提高30%,假设结 一个英语完形填空,希望给我答案一核对Some years ago,Chinese high school students would show their new schoolbags,new clothes or new pens to their classmates when the new term started.Today,however,all have 1 .If you still come back to 求英语完形填空答案,现场做了马上给我答案,或者有标准答案最好.Friendship is very important for kids in middle school.But friendshio____far earlier in a child's life.When babies play,even around other children,they're still pl 谁有这道英语的 完形填空?好的 多加40Dear brunol'm your biggest__1__!l was at your concert 25号之前给我答案,英语(完形填空)A:What con I do _ for?B:Yes,_ I want a kilo of fish.A:OK.___ you are.B:How ___are they?A:3 yuan.Is that___?B:No,___some tomatoes do you want?B:Tow.A:OK.Here you are.B:___ a lot.A:It's ___ ____. 已知AB为非零自然数,且A/B=4,求AB的最大公因数和最小公倍数 跪求几道分数应用题的答案[要带过程]1.有一个最简分数,将它的分子、分母同时加上它的分母,分母值变为原来分数的十倍,求原来的分数2.两个数的积是四分之三,和是2,求这两个分数3.二分 跪求几道分数应用题的答案[要带过程]1.有一个最简分数,将它的分子、分母同时加上它的分母,分母值变为原来分数的十倍,求原来的分数2.两个数的积是四分之三,和是2,求这两个分数3.二分 跪求三道有点意思的分数应用题 两个自然数ab,若a=14b,则a与b的最大公因数是( ),最小公倍数是( ) 数学3道分数基础应用题一根绳子长二分之三米,减去四分之三,还剩多少米?【1】一根绳子长二分之三米,减去一些后还剩四分之三.减去多少米?【2】一根绳子减去三分之二米,剩下的比剪去的长 3道分数乘除法计算题 .1、5/9X79又17/16+50X1/9+1/9X5/172、54又2/5÷173、238÷238又238/239要脱式~ 已知A=2*3*5,B=2*3*3,A和B的最大公约数是(),最小公倍数是()速度回答 在线等答案