
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 04:58:52
我看见她的第一眼就觉得她是一个很善良的人 用英语你的朋友呢就是反问的语气,不是问你的朋友在那,问你的朋友各个方面的问题,就是一篇写朋友的作文,最后问你的朋友呢 求英语作文 How to eat healthily 化妆品名字翻译sebum free lotion和sebum free skin 请问语言达人或者化妆品达人这两个哪个是乳液哪个是爽肤水? 英语翻译一套的韩国化妆品,有英文.effective lotioneffective skin(一瓶很大的水,一瓶很小的滴管的像精油)effective cleam帮忙翻译下,我自己翻译的都是西面后用的,可这是一套,有没有洗面奶 真的是 英语翻译eye serumeye creamclarifying seramclarifying skinclarifying essenceclarifying creamclarifying lotion可是为什么每一个人说的都不一样,有没有具体点的? how to eat healthlyhow to eat healthily?(注意:要说关于春节到来,我们怎样才吃得健康) 以how can we eat healthily?为题写一篇英语作文 单句改错 题 He prefers walking to take a bus to walk 12》中国有句话,叫人定胜天事在人为.我认为认识很伟大的 没有什么是不能通过努力获得的,这句话让我觉 j全部做 改错(英语)I like …I like to go shopping.I like taking photo. 那么多跟美国有关的事都被认为是骗局?很多事件 1.珍珠港事件说是阴谋 2.向日本扔原子弹被认为是骗局,并没有扔下去.3.美国登月又说是骗局 4.911事件又说是自导自演 .... 英文改错题: I like the fifth shirts over there.英文单项选择:1、Write them down____.A: in a paper B: on a piece of paperC: in a piece of paperD: in paper根据首字母填空:Sandra is the best r____in our class. 英语作文《how to eat haelthily》80词 Many studengts like saying English怎么改错啊 君主立宪制,共和制,联邦制有什么不同之处? We are surprised to watch the news 改为同意句We ____ _____ _____ the news 收到一个怪异的邮件 帮看看是不是骗局Dear Lucky Winner,This is to inform you that you have won a prize money of NINE HUNDRED THOUSAND US DOLLARS ($900,000.00) for the YEAR 2010 Lottery promotion which is organized by YAHOO!LOTTERY INC 请问大家有收到过这种邮件吗?是否是骗人的?How are you today? I write to inform you that we have already sent you The USD$5000.00 dollars through Western union as we have been given the mandate to transfer your full compensation payme they are taking it all中间用什么介词him Are they new?NO,____(it的适当形式)are old. 介词填空 they are ( )beijing 英语翻译要准确的,是做公司招牌,所以想请英文专家给个答案最把握不准的就是“trade”应该用trade 还是用 trading. 润成商贸有限公司英文怎么说 Do/you/like/horse 什么 you like 什么 [horse]急! 一篇英语作文5.How to Use Computers Correctly? 英语时态选择( )All morning as she waited for the medical report from the doctor,her nervousness_______.A.has grown B.is growing C.grew D.had grown写下正确答案的序号,并说明理由~ 英语时态选择she asked the worker how long ____to build the chuech.为什么选it had taken 不选 it was taken不是应该用被动的么? 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词This Saturday I'll s___with my friendsMike is m____with his money They were all ___at the ___news I'd like a mask as my birthday present.( 改否定句)