
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 07:29:39
this pair of trousers are too long please look ththis pair of trousers are too longplease look this map of China这两个句子错在哪 小学数学.六一班同学买了24米彩带,用1/3做蝴蝶结,用1/2做中国结,还剩下多少米彩带? This pair of trousers ____too long and I dan't think____ meA.is,they fit B.are,it fits C.is,they fit for D.are,it's fit for我用排除法做下来觉得应该选A,但后面为什么用they? --- the cell phone cost me almost $ 1000 --- well,it was stupid of you to spend so much money_whenyou could buy a cheaper one.里边的when 怎么翻译啊,引导什么从句? 批改雅思作文The society would benefit from the ban on forms of advertising because it serves no useful purposes and can even be damaging.To some extent do you agree or disagree with the opinion?我的作文:Nowadays,with the development of th how much did you ( )the mobile phone?One thousand yuan or so.A.take B.spend C.cost D.pay for how much time do you cost还是spent 英语语法小问题:(填空) 你花了多少钱修手机?How much money [ ] you [ ] [ ] the mobile phone?填完之后,别忘了写出填空的依据,请各位大师调动你们的语法知识吧! 甲、乙两人各加工100个零件,甲比乙迟5/2小时开工,结果同时完工,甲、乙两人工作效率比为5:甲每小时加工多少个零件?如有疑问请说!(不过数字没问题)同时完工:(的意思)同时做 明明今年9岁,妈妈今年35岁,她的年龄可能在某一年前是明明的4倍吗?如果可能,请算出那一年明明的岁数.如果不可能,请说明理由. f(根号x+2)=x+4根号x,求f(x)的表达式 已知F(1-根号x)=x,求F(X)的表达式 设f(根号下x)=1/x+2倍根号下x.(1)求f(x)的表达式;(2)解不等式f(x)-x>2谢谢各位高手 高三党如何提高英语阅读理解,完形填空,我是广东的. I don't belive you.she told him that___.I think you are lying.she said that___.I have to go to now.she told him___to go right away. My uncle’s house in the downtown area is much smaller than ours ,but is twice as expensivea as b so c too d very 为什么? my uncle’s house in the downtown arca is much smaller than ours but it is twice as expensive什么意 摘抄十篇英语课外阅读.我已经找到了两篇:《飞鸟与鱼》《某处阳光正好》,还差8篇.要求长度适中并且不是故事形式的,要像散文诗一般(可以参照飞鸟与鱼).注:需附带英文翻译! 如何理解VOA中的这一句话前文大意,渔业学生在海上围起来的渔场练习撒饲料喂鱼.The surface of the water literally bubbles as thousands of cod come up to feed.They're monitored from the boat by an underwater camera.无法 ()was lying.1.whoever told you 2whoever told you that 为什么一定要加一个that? 我能说英语改为疑问句,否定句,肯定回答,英语怎么写? 拓展就是运用学过的知识解释某种现象.判断对还是错!判断题! 课外阅读摘抄,要书名,要感想,要作者!快 ! 青铜葵花最感人的地方是哪,从书中摘抄 青铜葵花中摘抄一个人的性格5句快! 很急很急! 摘抄一个人的性格的句子,每个性格五句 The way we learn english is quite different--that we learn math.A.withB.between C.as D.from 英语3.He was lying in the sun,______ and happy.3.He was lying in the sun,______ and happy.A.looked relxed B.looked relaxing C.looking relaxed D.looking relaxing 为什么 英语翻译我走了 或许我的走对你来说并不重要 可是我还是要说 我喜欢你 如果我的走 能让你感到快乐 我不想在留在这里 因为这里只有另我伤心的回忆 你曾经问过我为什么走 我说:”我不 红与黑摘抄2000字 关于6月19日VOA新闻中一句话的理解:句子:The New York Times reported last week that these efforts include "shadow" Internet and mobile phone systems.These are secret networks designed to operate independently of a government's control You've been lying in the sun too long! 什么意思? 高一物理:双人花样滑冰运动中男运动员拉着女运动员做圆锥摆运动的精彩场面.若女运动员做圆锥摆运动时和竖直方向的夹角为α,女运动员质量为m,转动过程中女运动员的重心做匀速圆周运