
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 11:58:35
26.I used to think______hard to learn English well.But I find____easy to grasp it now.A.it’s,it B.it,it’s C.it,that’sBthink和find都是及物动词,似乎都可接宾语从句和形式宾语.那为什么选B,不能选A呢.难道和宾语补足 There are sixty minutes in an hour .对sixty.提问 there are sixty m___ in an hour There are sixty (m) an hour There are sixty minutes in( ) hour应该用in还是the 解析句子:There are sixty minutes in an hour.为什么用In? 跪求张宇的考研数学视频~~~谢谢 求一份张宇考研数学视频 全套哦 亲 谢了 张宇考研数学813345315 请问find feel等词后有宾补时,用it作形式宾语, 蓉城课堂 七年级上册数学作业精编答案 七年级上册数学《作业精编》答案 The kind of work a person does determines____the kind of life he livesA.to a great extent B.in the conditionC.to the point D.at the most答案应该选A,没看懂,还有讲解下选A的原因, The common opinion of the British people in Middle Ages is that a person who is kind ……The common opinion of the British people in Middle Ages is that a person who is kind must have an own conversation.在中世纪的英国人普遍认为一个 What kind of people lives in Manitoba? 有甲乙丙3车,甲以30km/时从A地开往B地.乙以40km/时也从A地开往B地.同时,丙以50km/时的速度从B地开往A地.问经过多少时间后,丙位于甲乙两车之间? 分数 应用题(分数)1.小明读一本书,上午读了10/1,下午比上午多读6页,这时已读页数与未读页数的比是1:3,这本书共有多少页?(行程)2.兄弟两人在周长为400米的圆形水池玩耍,从同一点背向绕 下面的句子用了什么英语语法Some nations hve already enacted the right of residents to public environment into law and are protecting and rightd complying with the trend of world human rights development 请问,eyes里的s是读/z/还是/s/?有何种规律吗? eyes音标怎么读 从对待"香菱学诗"这件事的态度上,来看薛宝钗的个性. 在对待香菱学诗一事上,宝钗和黛玉的态度有着怎样的区别?从这里可以看出黛玉性格热哪一面? People will be able to understand each other better.(改为一般疑问句) thing,we,the,important,did,we,most,learned,is,kind,and,friendly,that,to,to,other,be,people(.)连词组 音标是什么? How do you try to be a friend to other people? I've always understood one shoule try to be_____of other people.A consideringB considerationC considerableD considerate并说出选项原因 我要用步步高英语之星复读机做磁带录音,说明书没了, 1.We learn_____(be) kind to other people.2.I learn a lot by _____(cook). People must learn how to help ____(other) 有没有象复读机一样的可以来帮助学英语的软件?不要初级英语的那种,大家给介绍个. 英语复读机软件哪个好