
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 22:53:55
what would you like to buy Can I help you 二者区别 答句分别是什么 我❤你们!我下午考试 快 what can I do for you,madam?a.yes,play help me.b.I"d like to buy a pair of shoes for my daughter. ___I help you?Tomorrow is my daughter's birthday.I ___to buy something___her.What would you like ____buy?A skirt.How about this blue one?It's too small ___her.I need a ___one.OK.How about the yellow ___?This one is___.How much is it?......Sixty yuan. 广州话 粤语 白话 广东话怎样区分如题 I help you?--I'd like to buy ___.122.--Can I help you?--I'd like to buy ___.A.a shoeB.a pair of shoesC.a pair of shoe 把What would you like?和Can I help you?改为同义句 如何快速学会白话、粤语、广东话. Thank you very much, 广州话,白话,广东话,粤语,说的是一回事吗?如果有不同的话,辨别之 "Thank you very much W 脑筋急转弯:Thank you very much的意思 求特殊一点的男英文名C、J或G开头的都行,最好把含义能注明一下,不要太大众化的,像James John 之类的就算了. can,i,you,find,your,ruler,help怎样连词成句 the room,can,find.your,in,you,ruler(连词成句) help,you,thank,for,your,连词成句 for,thank,help,Anna,your,you连词成句 " to many men "怎么翻译啊? 英语翻译1.开车离去2.从.路出来:(英文翻译) 3.The man used a knife to open the door(同义句)3.The man used a knife to open the door(同义句)! the old man used to live in the house for many years(对划线部分提问)划线部分 for many years wethe old man used to live in the house for many years(对划线部分提问)划线部分 for many yearswe can learn a lot of things by rea thank you very much 的回答有几种? |2-3x|>=7两个还有|2x-1| |3x-4|>x 1 一条路,甲乙合修5天完成,甲丙合修6天完成.现在乙丙合修了2天后,甲单独修了8天刚好完成.甲单独修要多久? Can I help you please. 修一条路,甲乙两队合作可以6天完成.甲修5天后,由乙单独修8天完成,乙单独修需要多少天? can i help you?a glass()juice,please 功夫熊猫2哪里有 功夫熊猫2啥时出 the old man was ill yesterday.but he feels even( )( ill) today,用括号的适当形式填空 功夫熊猫2 KUNG FU PANDA 2怎么样 I don‘t feel well today.I feel much_____(ill) than yesterday. 英语翻译1.我的父母和老 2.那些书是新的 3.这些是他弟弟的朋友 4.这是你表姐的家庭 5.她是我叔叔的女儿 6.谢谢你的字典7.She is his sister8.It is my watch9.That is not your box10.T am Jopanses11.We are English c Today is much ____ (cloud) than yesterday.