
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 21:04:29
1+1+2+3+4+546+7+8等于几 描写房间干净的成语要五个 形容干净的成语多一点 净干净的成语是什么? 6分之1x÷2分之1=9分之8 一道概率选择题:设A.B.C三个事件两两独立,则A.B.C相互独立的充分必要条件是A、A与BC独立B、AB与A∪C独立C、AB与AC独立D、A∪B与A∪C独立 假设做一道选择题有A,B,C,D 概率如果第一次随机选择选了A,B,C,D 其中一个答案但是因为第一次答中正确答案的概率只有是1/4然后在改答案选择第二个答案他中的概率会变吗? 数学手抄报四年级上学期3位数乘2位数急,请高手们回答,版式就可以 1:Students should learn all kinds of danger and keep _____safe.A:they B:them C:their D:themselves2:I want to know_____A:that he will come or not B:who meets him next week C:where did he go for vacation D:howlongthey lived there3:My uncle went toAus 人物形象各十个:《朝花夕拾》《钢铁是怎样炼成的》《骆驼祥子》要有文章名称,人物,人物形象,典型情节,启示或感受.谢了 初中语文易考易错的文学常识越多越好,苏教版的 1.If you want to change for a double room,you'll have to pay____15¥A.another B.other C.more D.each2.--May I borrow your dictionary?--Sorry.I______it myself.A.am using B.used C.have used D.use3.--I'm terribly sorry to have stepped on your foot.--___ 初中语文考试容易考的成语运用不恰当的有哪些?通常出选择题的那种. 1.There is only one thing ___ I can do.A.what B.who C.that D.which2.I like the second football match ___ was held last week.A.which B.who C.that D./(我觉得应该是选that或which,但这两个词应该都可以做引导次的呀,难道有区别 1.Over 1000 people have come!We hadn't ____ so many people.A.planned outB.planC.planned onD.planned to2.I still remember the village ___ I lived when I was young.A.thatB./C.whereD.in that3.He always asks me the same question.This made me ____.A.boreB 答案给出来了,1.--Have you seen ( ) pen I left it here this morning.--Is it ( ) black one?I think i saw it somewhere.A.a;the B.the;the C.a;a 为什么选C 2.The doctor worded for ( ) after 12 o'clock.A.two more hours B.another two hours C.more t 小学易错成语多一些 100个易错成语,谁有? 一道八年级英语选择题.我觉得A、B、C都有道理,还望高人指点迷津—I don’t like the food in the south. —The food in the south is quite different from _____in the north.A.it B.food C.that D.those 1 Tom and I have the same_____A.weight B.weights2 Tom and I have different _____A.weight B.weights He has made greatprogress recently --( ) ,and ( )A So he has ,so you have B So he has ,so have youC So has he ,so have you D So has he ,so you have会的请解释一下原因并翻译这个句子并说明so he has so has he / so you have so have you He is the first one_______ his work.A.finish B.finishes C.finishing D.to finish选择哪一个,为什么? 请问 约分:(a+b)的2次方-c的2次方/a+b+c 神舟五号的成就 易错的成语 一个三次多项式除以x方-x+2余数为5x+4,除以x方+x-1的余数为12x-4,求该多项式 一次数学考试中共有10道择题,每道选择题有4个选项,其中有且仅有一个是正确的.一次数学考试中共有10道选择题,每道选择题有4个选项,其中有且仅有一个是正确的.评分标准规定:不选或选 当多项式x³+Ax²-4x+B除以x-3时,余数是2.该多项式除以x+2和x-1所得的余数相同,求A和B的值 英语日常交际用语,选择题,看图48.49.51.求解释与翻译 英语交际用语选择题Do you like cooking,Mary?( ).luckily,I’ve never had to worry about it.A.not bad B.not really C.probably not D.not suppose我选的C,答案是B,但我感觉这几个似是而非的,填上去都通顺,望指 交际用语may i know your address?(a)sure.here you are(b)it's far from here 求高手指导几道英语选择题...关于交际用语的I'm afraid I must be off now.____A You are nice B So long C That's all right D What a pity我选的是D,想不通为什么选B...I apologize for not helping you.____A Oh,not at all B Oh,that