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你真是个蠢材用英语怎么说 蠢材英语怎么说 英语蠢材有求于各位英语高手,1.would like表示意愿,意为 .在意义上同 相等.但语气比 委婉,客气很多.人称和数的变化.I would like= ; they woud like= ,he would like= ; she would like= .(1)肯定句:I’d like some F For many cities in the world,there is no room to spread our further ,___New York is an example.A for whichB in which C of which D from which [W93] For many cities in the world,there is no room to spread out further,____ NewYork is an example.A.for which B.in which C.of which D.from which请翻译,并分析. 选择题For many cities in the word,there is no room to spread out further, ____New York is an examplA.for which B.in which C.of which D.from which答案说选C..of which ..说of是所属范畴.of which不是=who吗? For many cities in the world,there is no room to spread out farther,_____New York is an example.A.for which B.in which C.of which D.from which For many cities in the world,there is no room to spread our further,_______ New York is an example.\x05 A.for which \x05\x05B.in which \x05\x05C.of which D.from which答案是哪个,请对各项选择解释清楚些 西施效颦在现实生活中有没有例子 或者和下面几句话类似的生活中的例子  不要盲目地去仿照,只会弄的适得其反.  讽刺了那些不知自丑,不识时务的人,只知道盲目效仿,结果却适得其反, spread your 我知道网上能查到,可那个是错的,朗文第7版;说是体验新生活,尝试新事物.求权威性... Spread Your Wings和远くへ~Spread Your Wings~有什么不同?都是MAY'S的. spread your wings and prepare to fly abaud onedly iuto the 解释句子(Why not spread your wings and visit France)是用英语解释.. 求一首英文歌女声的.歌词我大概听到:when you spread your wings.igo fly ,don not fly awayto the mist we hunter cry.sky is blue water is ev,when you spread your wings.igo fly ,don not fly away英语水平有限,大概就听到这些七 英语翻译 英语翻译 英语翻译 英语翻译1.美国国会图书馆保存各类收藏达一亿三千多万件.The library of congress has one hundred thirty million items in its collection.2.教练说我应该改掉坏习惯.The coach said that I should my bad habits.3.没有多少 Mary has lived in this city for 10 years.同义句转换 Mary stays in China for 2 years.对 2 years划线提问是2 years 不是for 2 years Mrs.Darby lived in Kentucky for seven years.与Mrs.Darby has lived in Kentucky for seven years.意思上有什么区别 y=根号下x+1/x-1的减区间 等腰直角三角形空白部分的面积是8平方厘米是一个半圆,三角形的高是半圆的半径 y=根号下1+x分之1-x的减区间 英语翻译The first step in making a fresh fruit salad is selecting the fruit.you shuold choose four varieties that you like.try to selected ripe fruit,but do not buy fruit is badly bruised or too soft.after you've selected the fruit,choose a crisp 若0小于x小于1化减根号下已知0小于x小于1,化简根号下(x减x分之1)的平方加4加根号下(x加x分之1)的平方减4要过成 英语翻译If the inflammation becomes more diffuse and spreads into the attached gingiva the stippling disappears.If inflammation is severe it can spread across the attached gingiva to the alveolar mucosa and so obliterate the normally well-defined 英语翻译Find you wayIt is not very difficult to find your way from the station to the school .When you come out of the station ,turn left and walk until you reach the traffic lights .Turn left again .You will be on St .Johns Street.Keep walking u 英语翻译i want to know what your classmates think of your glasses?today dad'students sent an e'mail to say he can sign a new job because he is a Party member.he said a Party member ,a predicting Party member.an achieved good university studend wh 伊比利亚半岛中部的温带大陆性气候的成因 计算3分之4倍根号下3分之4 × 〔-18倍根号下45〕 在△ABC中,AC=BC,∠ACB=90°,将△ABC绕点C逆时针旋转α角,(0°<α<90°)得到△A1B1C,连结BB1……在△ABC中,AC=BC,∠ACB=90°,将△ABC绕点C逆时针旋转α角,(0°<α<90°)得到△A1B1C,连结BB1,设B1C交AB于D,A