
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 15:33:25
大家有没有知道安格英语的? 求一篇小学六年级写家乡变化祖国发展的作文 While you were at the __,I was going to schoolA doctor Bdoctors C doctor's Ddicits'应选什么? I was going to ask you if you were lonely.But I remember that I ask you that earlier.Do you want a man to love for the rest of your life.I'm not saying me.I want you to know that I am here to be your friend.We don't know what the future may bring 求 安格英语的价格怎么样,有性价比吗? 安格英语到底怎么样,我报还是不报呢? 安格英语怎么一回事? 梦里看到的让我心碎,而现实让我变得完整.这句话是谁的名言 有关心碎的经典句子有关心碎的 were/was to do这个词是怎样用的? was going to do sth,是什么时态? 英语高手were/was to do这个词是怎样用的? 根据上下文填空:每格填一个 A ----Alice F---Miss Fang A:Hello,Miss Fang!F :Hello,(_ )A:Today is my F:( )( )A:Thank you.F :( )( ) are you?A:I‘m twelve today.I have a ( )( ) in the morning.My friends come to my party.F:( ) are they A:Lind 中国首次在国际舞台上以五大国之一身份展示形象,并发挥积极作用是在选项:a日内瓦会议上b万隆会议c汉城会议d多哈会议 hobbies can bring people happiness,friendship and knowledge对 happiness,friendship and knowledge提对 happiness,friendship and knowledge提问 I can't bring you happiness Hobbies can give happiness to people.变同义句People can ( ) happiness ( )hobbies. miss fang ____ok.用am,is,are填空 元旦节lucy陪你说英语有活动吗? the running boy the playing boy the boy playing football这三个都对吗 Which is____,the horse or the sheep?用恰当的形容词填空 特殊疑问词+was/were+主语+doing麻烦大家帮我举几个上面的这个例子 was/were doing/ to do 分别是什么时态?怎么有的用过去式表示将来? My、want、exciting、make、friends、to、something、do、they怎么连词成句啊?急,老师周一收! 希腊退出欧元区对贵金属产生什么影响?要原因? 是"in"还是"of"::::::will be awarded the Bachelor Degree in(of) International Trade hello,tom -----,mike -----处填什么 A Hi B Good C Thanks D Fine 选几啊我姑姑说c,我说a,选几啊 mike and i are getting along just fine mike and i are这块怎么连读? 英语问题:one's和some body有什么区别? 和天道酬勤相近的词我需要一个八字的词,前四个字选择了“天道酬勤”,后面的词要与之匹配,对仗工整,意思吻合. 天道酬勤和什么词可联系在一起?我要作为后黑班上的布置, 天道酬勤.解词.