
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 14:01:45
chat什么意思 3,4,5,6,7 含award的被授予奖项的词组 You can eat anything in world, cooked by an award-winning chef.如何翻译?我找到的一较准确翻译如下:如果有一位世界级厨师为您烹制美味。 nursing shortage是什么意思 nursing profession是什么意思 英语翻译Australians have a national holiday on January 26th to remember theirorigins1.It’s called Australia Day.On January 26,1788,a team of ships landed in what is now Sydney,Australia.These ships were led by Captain Arthur Phillip and had bro 英语翻译Australians have a national holiday on January 26th to remember their origins.It’s called Australia Day..On January 26,1788,a team of ships landed in what is now Sydney,Australia.These ships were led by Captain Arthur Phillip and had br I am so strung out on you麻烦翻译下这句 中国的“局长”用英语怎么称呼 为什么太阳温度那么高? 太阳的中心温度有多高? EMAIL是动词么? 警察局局长 用英文怎么说?肯定不是police officer就是. 局长用英语怎样写 有没有这部电影《dream a little dream》,谁知道这电影讲的是什么故事? 谁帮我翻一下the day that i begin the day that i 摩托罗拉对讲机哪款最好摩托罗拉对讲机中哪款最好?工作环境:1万平方,有多道彩钢板墙.使用人数20名左右.要求尽量轻便,支持耳机,话筒. I don't care if they respect me.这句话中care是及物动词吗, It is difficult to obtain___evidenceA reliableB ramarkableC capable 5.It is difficult to obtain ) evidence.(A) remarkable (B) reliable (C) capable trying to achieve a firm resolution is a good desire beige翻译成中文是什么? beige、rojo negro gris azul这些单词是什么意思,好像是表示颜色的, order,art,cont,navy,grey,roll,beige,把这几个单词翻译下? 白贤是第几个公开的 世界上什么乌最大呢?如题 求..light up my life you are my sunshine,my life tonight的中文意思 森林 陈世旭 文言文拟声词是实次还是虚词? 英语翻译这是什么颜色,怎么翻译啊 打扰了!请你告诉我照样子,写词语:家喻户晓(家和户是近义词)