
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 00:25:40
微分.求这四道题的正解 地球仪为什么是斜的?你能用数据说明它歪的程度吗? 工人设计地球仪市,为什么有意弄成歪的?歪的程度是多少 明天下午就要考六级了,考前怎么样放松呢 大学英语6级在昆明有没有考前补习的那种课程? 变黑的铜丝恢复到红色的化学方程式 英语翻译 文明形象设计 在公共场合,说话要. 在公共场合说话是不礼貌的.翻译成英语 ____ ______ _______to speak loudly in public 问个微分的问题?设:y^=x^3 当x0=4 Δyx=0.11.Δy=(x0+Δx)^3 -x^3 =Δx【3x^2+3xΔx+(Δx)^2】=0.1*49.21=4.9212.Δy/Δx=3x^2+3xΔx+(Δx)^2=49.213.y^=limΔx-0Δy/Δx=3x^2=48请问,当Δx趋向0时,应该是原式y^=x^3 =64,怎么 如果地球仪不是歪脖子地球会变什么样 1+1等于几? 1+1等于几你知道吗知道吗 1+1等于多少呀?你知道吗? 一加上一等于几啊?思考题偶 按现在的月份,太阳系的行星都在黄道附近吗?行星的位置一般都在太阳白天走过的路线吗?怎样用望远镜容易的观测到?我的是天文90090 地球卫星绕地球转时动能是否变化? 当他到达机场时,外面正下着大雨.When he__________________,it________________outside. 求高一英语when I got close to the bush outside the school gate,______which I had never seen before.A.out flew a beutiful bird B .out a beutiful bird flewC.flew out a beutiful bird D .out did a beutiful bird fly y=(sinx-cosx)^2-2sin^2x的最小正周期 求一道很简单很简单的微分题的过程y =(1-t)/(e^(2t)) 求y’ 我为什么算不对/.\我算的分母一直是e^(4t)答案是(2t-3)/(e^(3t)) @_@ 问一个很简单的微分的 当一个数值不会变的时候如UI则dUI = UI 对么? 赤道和北回归线上两地在一正午太阳高度差值最小值是: 请帮忙翻译一段英文You: spring brother true man,Rail Blood true Man,his father's good son ,spring brother is our good brotherStranger: Danny?Stranger: Andy sent me.Stranger: He said you know what to do from here.Stranger: Danny, this is impor 英语翻译The kite is one or Iraqi kids'favorite things when it gets windy in spring or fall.Boys and girls like to fly kits on the roof or on the ground.If the roof is not big enough for flying kites,the kids would find a bigger roof with their fr 英语翻译因为A和B之间没有直达航班,我们不得不停下来换乘顺便去拜访朋友. 英语翻译The best system would have two intakes,one floating intake for potable uses and one stationary intake lower in the tank to allow the mixing water to be used for nonpotable uses.The best overflow would be one that would allow water to exit when we arrived at airport the plane has fly.这句话语法有错吗? ________arrived at the airport when I heard my flight announced.A.No sooner had I B.I hardlyC.I had no sooner D.Hardly had I 是选D,但为什么? I arrived at the airport ________(after/while/when/before))the planehad taken off 太阳系现在正处于行星连珠阶段? 太阳系8星连珠是怎么回事为什么会发生这样的事