
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 02:19:33
oh,toyota!made in japan!it is very fast! 英语翻译一位来自日本的旅客,坐出租车去机场的路上,看到一辆汽车经过,就说:"oh,TOKOTA!Made in Japan!It is very fast!"又有一辆经过,他又说:"oh,NISSAN!Made in Japan!It is very fast!"司机有点不高兴,觉得他太 Please ring me up before nine o'clock,(改成一般疑问句) pumpkin和clean the windows是什么意思 my,village,how,is,beautiful 连词成句 it is an beautiful village.改正句子 the root cause of terrorism的意思?如题? 怎样给韩国明星当翻译 made in U.A.E.by SNLOC licensed by TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION,japan hey what are you doig? hey what you want to say, tell me are you ready是什么歌? 声调和声音的区别 五声性七声调式与七声调式有什么区别啊 I must get up early tomorrow.这个句子中藏有的水果名称是什么 Does her uncle work in Shandong?(作肯定回答) I Can't Drink 歌词的汉语翻译 What would you like to drink怎么读(最好用中文标上, I often play _____ ______ with my grang pa(chess)我不追问要钱了,你看我这,求你发善心,回答我吧 john often plays chess with me的play要加s ——Must I get up early tomorrow?——No,_____.(英语单选)A.That's right B.I don't think you have to C.you can't D.you needn't 这题B、D貌似都对啊,怎么回事儿? People should( )trees. A.be kept to cut B,be kent from cutting 选一下谢谢 We should try our best to keep people _cutting down trees,后面接:or we'll have nowhere_.A,from,to live,B,on,to live C.from,to live in D./,to live 回答是I am cleaning the house.提问是:1/what are you want?,2/what are you doing?3/what are you going to do?是哪个提问? There is a time to cry and a time to laugh.这应该是谚语 Is there a time是什么意思? 装XP时出错,file setupdd.sys could not be loaded the error code is 装XP时出错,file setupdd.sys could not be loaded the error code is 我前晚睡前下载电影,设了下载完后自动关机.昨晚下班开机就出现了"吃了狼皮的羊"说的情况.之后我在DOS下格式C盘了,我有两张系统盘都 File\i386\ntkrnlmp.exe could not be loaded The error code is?Stup cannot continue.Press any key to exit.重装系统时出现的提示! 韩国网名 安装了ansys12.0 后出现错误提示:could not create the file required to .安装了ansys12.0 后出现错误提示:could not create the file required to determine which products are to be displayed in the lisence dropdown list.Error:invalid 英语翻译这个韩国名字임지혜翻译成中文叫什么? 英语翻译谢