
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 12:01:56
设f(X)是一次函数且2f(1)+3f(2)=3,f(-1)-f(0)=-1,则f(x)=?我很笨的…… 大哥大姐们,明天额要交…………谢谢啦! 大哥大姐啊!救救我!我真的很想知道怎么做 明天要考试了 临时抱抱佛脚1.在△ABC中 角A B C 的对边分别为a b c 若 A比B比 C =1 比2 比3,则a比b比c?2.在△ABC中,已知a=8,B=三分之π,C=12分之5π,则b?3.在△A 已知函数f(x)对一切实数x、y都有f(x+y)-f(y)=(x+2y+1)x成立,且f(1)=0(1)求f(0)的值;(2)求f(x)的解析式.第一问貌似x=0时都没写 这些不该省的步骤请不要省。好吗………… 英语翻译广电总局一项最新数据显示,2010年国内开拍的电视剧中,超过50%是各类翻拍剧.从《西游记》到《三国》到《红楼梦》再到《水浒传》,短短几年之间,中国四大古典名著已经被翻拍了个 英语翻译we can see the different values of life that people have by this a few characters.They faced death unflinchingly and they all were great.They thought there was more important things than their own life and we believe that a full and subst 构造一个定义域为【-1,1】,值域为【-2,5】的偶函数 The doctor saves his life in time意思还有和The doctor saved his life in time的区别,我还有个问题:翻译:你喜欢茶或咖啡吗?其中的哪一个都行(用上either)谁先谁得分, 底下这两篇文章有佳句吗,如果有的话,要说出是哪句,要说哪篇文章有哪句,不能混为一和.下面我告诉你们文章的内容: 太阳花你见过太阳花吗?这是一种很美丽的小花,细 已知直线Y=2X+a交圆X^2+y^2=1与两点M(X1,Y1),N(X2,Y2),且X轴正半轴沿逆时针转到两射线OM,ON(O为原点)的最小正角依次为W,E求证COS(W+E)=X1X2-Y1Y2,  Y1Y2=4X1X2+2a(X1+X2)+a^2求COS(W+E)值 七下政治补充习题第22课筑起‘防火墙’的答案 翻译:The word like in the first sentence is thepreposition meaning similar to and doesn't tell us whether or not she was well liked . 英语翻译mark the sentence stress and intonation? 英语翻译The 1996 Games were given a dramatic start when the cauldron was lit by Mohammad Ali.A terrorist bomb killed one person and injured a further 110 people,but the Atlanta Games are best remembered for their sporting achivevments.A record-se 英语翻译Summer has been trying to achieve her KA sales rev goal and GM%.In the past year although it is under expectation while Summer and her team tried their best in a going-worse economic environment.On the other hand,Summer demostrated profes 英语翻译与酒店已就谈判好合同条款,双方确认过的合同请见附件.请打印一式两份后盖章.同时,我方需要根据合同中的付款约定和帐号信息进行首批款项支付,发票扫描件见附件,款到帐后对方 英语翻译solomon looked as closely as he could at these flowers,but could not see a single difference:even the dead leaf in each vase was the same.He knew that if he made a mistake the world would laugh at him.Everyone was silent as they waited fo 英语翻译小米的logo是一个“MI”形,是Moblie Internet 的缩写,代表小米是一家移动互联网公司小米的logo倒过来是一个少一点的心字,意味着小米要让小米的用户省一点心.小米的拼音是mi,Mission Impos 信念是凝聚的智慧、力量和胆量.请你联系生活实际,谈谈对这句话的理解 若关于x的不等式x≤b的负整数解为-1,-2,借助数轴,求b的取值范围.我觉得题目有误,我看到一个和本题很像的题目:若关于x的不等式x≥b的负整数解为-1,-2,借助数轴,求b的取值范围.(即将“≤” 我需要有关生活的一些经验 为什么人生总是要经历? 怎么提高自己的生活阅历和见识 为什么要叫生存指南怎么不叫生存指北如题,这个’生存指南‘名词时根据什么创造出来的呢? lesson 与class有什么区别? have school和 have class的区别We don't have school today. 和 We don't have any classes today.两句的区别是什么? 几个高中英语问题If we protect ourselves too much, then we stop growing. We become trapped/ creatures inside shells of our own making. 答案选了trapped,说如果选creatures不合语法.但我看不出选creatures怎么不合语法了?② 观察生活中的一件事,然后想办法解决. 就一个生活中的小现象提出问题并写成类似于小论文一样的研究过程,咋写? 生活中那些事的发生可能行为1,哪些为0,举例说明 英语周报2012-2013学年全国中学生新课程英语语言能力竞赛试题八年级组答案 2010上海市数学散装同步试卷十一校联考答案如题,要求手机能看.