
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 01:05:40
给几个只要你去做了,就一定会成功的例子我要做课前演说,就3分钟,麻烦哪位网友给编辑下几个例子,最好弄成演说词,不弄也可以, 我想要机械基础的试题和答案 1.一生产塑料薄膜机器中的平行轴齿轮传动.已知传递动力较大,要求运转平稳,在齿轮两端采用两个滚针轴承支承,则该齿轮传动宜选用_______.  (A)直齿圆柱齿轮 (B)斜齿圆柱齿轮 (C)人字齿圆 求 机械制造基础试题或试卷 机械基础试题,高人速度来!急!第一题:计算平面机构的自由度 跪求英语高手讲解分析这段话词汇语法等等,我已经有翻译了.The solution seems simple —— light is particulate. Indeed, this is the solution Einstein proposed in 1905 and won the Nobel Prize for in 1921. Other physicists like M 英语翻译I had not known him for 20 years without learning that he always . 英语翻译The idea of becoming a writer had come to me off and on since my childhood in Belleville. 急初三数学第二题第3、4小题 你所听到发掘自己潜能的故事或经历,看到潜能的故事 寻找低学历成功人士的故事就像那些中途辍学的,没有多少文化,但经过自己的努力达到了不小的成就~ 英语(根据首字母填空)四个小题,1.The woman in white is a car (e ).She work in a car factory.2.I like (a ),so Iwant to be an actress.3.Do you know the (w ——Of course.They are our teachers.4.Let’s (e )our gifts,if you 英语填空小题一道I sometimes go hiking on Sunday.(改为同义句)I go hiking ( ) and ( ) on Sunday.小题一道就不给分了, 第二小题的第五小题的英语填空 When life gives you lemons ,make lemonade . 英语翻译The one thing the Maps app doesn’t have is spoken navigation instructions.参考译文:这款地图软件唯一的欠缺就是没有语音导航指令.这句话的语法结构我看不懂!谁给解释下, 翻译一下这句话并解释一下语法Es gibt nicht viel Neues, was zu berichten sich lohnen wuerde. 英语翻译“我说我爱你,可是也只能这样爱你!爱之久远,如我一生.” 英语翻译洛带构造蓬莱镇、遂宁组储层孔隙度和渗透率都较低,属于低孔低渗储集层,储层比较容易受到损害.本项目通过对该地区储层地质特征、现有射孔液存在的问题以及对储层的损害机理 初三英语四道小题,填句子的,快速采纳,在线等. 初三英语五道小题,适当形式填空,快速采纳!求大神,在线等! 在三角形abc中,角b=45°,AC=√10,cosC=(2√5)/5,求BC 在三角形abc中,角b=45°,AC= 英语翻译4.\x05According to your requirement,the invoice that comes with the merchandise to your port in Costa Rica shows a price of $5 per unit,but the correct price is $14.5 per unit as the proforma invoice shows.The payment of the goods will be 英语翻译If you have within the last 6 months registered with SGS a general statement on price verification for the above mentioned importer.which is still valid,please indicate here the corresponding SGS reference numberIn such cases there is no 英语翻译“He went into the forest,and he saw one standing there by six trees which he had rooted up as if they had been stalks of corn.” 四个英语填空26.I have received an (invite) ______ to speak at an international conference.27.More than half of the staff say they won’t feel (comfort) ______ when talking to their bosses.28.The student asked the librarian for help because he 填空!1.Please remember _____________(关门)when you leave the classroom.2.______________can we see the moon and the stars?___________________(在晚上).3.Our country is getting ____________________(越来越漂亮).4.___________________(多 英语翻译Life ends when U stop dreaming,hope ends when U stop believing,Love ends when U stop caring,friendship ends when U stop sharing sometimes when you don't have the time to listen ,life throws a brick at you怎么翻译? ..请说明理由...15.There are certain __ when you must interrupt people who are in the middle of doing something.A.conditions B.situations C.occasions D.environment 16.Lightning is a __ of electrical current from a cloud to the ground or one cloud 若直线ax+y=2+a与直线3x+(a-2)y+3a平行且不重合,则实数a=_______ 英语填空第二小题