
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 01:27:46
潮湿的英语怎么说 几道英语题高手精英来1.用首字母填空I______his grangfather does not buy him any chocolates,he will play a trick on his grangfather.June 1st is a f_____for all children .On that day,children wear their new clothes.They play happily.2.You 热而潮湿用英语怎么说. 首字母填空1.China is f____for its food,2.Simon who comes f____Englang l____fish cooked in Chinese way.3.He says fish is his f___,but he dislikes c______it himself.4.He h_____eating vegetables and he d_____fruit. 选择1.Hi Jay Won't you have ______ to tell me?A.nothing important B.important anything C.something important 2.Great changes are taking place in the city ____they live.A.where B.which C.when D.why E.what 3.All the TV sets ____ out before we arrived 英语翻译除了一些靠音译外还有什么原则. Ben and Licy are studying in Englad.There are many mountain in the countryside.On Tuesday ,they want to climd a beautiful mountain .Th weather reporter says it is sunny today ,They (A)穿上暖和的衣裳 because it is cold in the mountain .After tw 谁知道这句英文是什麼意思--catch it with both hands! 英语翻译比如葡萄牙 为什么有用葡萄两个字或者 为什么用牙而不用亚 或者其他的字,而像韩国等一些国家,英文的音和中文的音一点也不同,这又是根据什么来命名的呢 英语翻译好象为什么翻译成美国?英国?西班牙?谁规定的啊?日本 和希腊是怎么翻译的呢?希腊,grace怎么也不想音译呀~李悟空,你说“如果你还想到什么新的可以拿来讨论”真的吗?你说的日本有 lift me as high as you can by both hands "有些国家的名字如此浪漫."这句话该怎么翻译? 英语翻译“---女生的说话:我走先 (暗示:你仲唔追返我?) 我喊喇 (暗示:你仲唔安慰我?) 锡下我喇 (暗示:你好耐冇锡我喇) 我唔会再俾机会你 (暗示:我仍然等紧你) 我系你心目中有冇地位a 《英才名题》英语7年级上答案 怎样理解他们是埃及的象征,也是古埃及人民的智慧不超过20字,今天就要快点 press both hands together at the chest是什么意思 求志同道合的朋友 『独乐乐不如众乐乐』是什么意思?出自? 有没有志同道合,喜欢历史的朋友?有的话,留个记号吧··· 高中学文言文时课堂上是怎么做笔记的?该做哪些笔记?需不需要一句一句翻译或者字词的注释写在旁边还是不用写?还是直接买本参考书还是只写重点字词和句子翻译.老师讲的有点快.都不知 我想要志同道合的朋友!怎么用英语表达如题 谁能用一组排比句来概括周恩来一生的事迹或他的性格.同志们齐心协力想啊~一人想一句接龙也好啊~ he likes reading and drawing ,he has many h____首字母填空 it was in1949()the people'spublic of china was found填什么 为什么 The People's Republic of China was ___ in 1949. A. found B. founded C. built up D. put upThe People's Republic of China was ___ in 1949. A. found B. founded C. built up D. put up请详细点 晏殊的<<浣溪沙>>无可奈何花落去的下一句是?立刻回答! 浣溪沙 晏殊后人对"无可奈何花落去"赋予了怎样的新意? 无可奈何花落去,(晏殊《浣溪沙》) 毛泽东人物生平故事 谁能介绍一下民国政治人物朱绍良的生平? 谁能介绍一下民国政治人物蒋鼎文的生平? 按要求改写句子.are you still in america?作肯定回答.there are monkeys inthat tree.改为一般疑问句.can you see a bird?改为陈述句.