
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 11:53:04
求下面等比数列的各项的和 1,-2,4,-8…(-2)^n-1 等比数列1,负2/1,4/1,负8/1.的第8项是 给下面括号里的字母排序完成句子1.Can you see the balls _____ (esebdi)the bed?2.It is ____(ftlcifuid)to read English stories.3.This book is very _______(tteeiinnrsg).4.The song ____(sdosnu)nice.5.They like ____(stmtoaoe)very much.6.Gina 等比數列1,2,4,8,.中,第N項是多少? 用括号内所给字母组成正确的单词,完成下列句子would you like to have a_______(cciipn)the fish is so_______(tertib) 1/1,1/2,1/4,1/8……,1/(2^(n-2))是不是等比数列,为什么?1/1,1/2,1/4,1/8……,1/(2^(n-2))这是一道题的答案的一部分,从算出这个数列的方法来看,这是一个等比数列,但是1/(2^(n-2))并不是通项公式, 将括号中的单词排序,完成句子1.The cities have____________________________(busy / markets / streets / wonderful / and)2.The jungle has____________________________(and / unusual / animals / plants / dangerous)3.The restaurants have ________ 求下列等比数列的第4项和第八 8项 (1)2/3, 1/2, 3/8 (2)√求下列等比数列的第4项和第八 8项(1)2/3, 1/2, 3/8(2)√2, 1, √2/2 等比数列1/9,2/9,4/9,8/9……的前10项的和 把句子重新排列!句子把序号填在括号里!( )有黄色带红斑点的凤凰花,样子就像传说中的凤凰.( )西双版纳是花的海洋.( )它早上是白色的,中午变成蓝色的,到晚上又变成紫色了,十分奇 根据首字母或括号提示完成句子.1.\x05Peter is more a______ than Holly.2.\x05My friend and I are b_____ outgoing.3.\x05She like p______ better than math.4.\x05Her watch is micer than _______(he).5.\x05________ (it) name is Mimi.6.\x05y 已知等比数列的公比为2,若前4项之和等于1,则前8项之和为多少? 已知等比数列{An}的公比为2,前4项和是1,则前8项的和为? 等比数列的前4项和为1,前8项和为17,则这个等比数列的公比为() 已知等比数列的公比为2,且前4项之和为1,那么前8项之和为? 用括号里的字母组成新的单词,完成下列句子.1.I like (w s o c) _________________.2.I like (p s g i) _________________.3.I like (u d s c k) _________________. 根据句意,将括号里的字母组成单词,完成句子.After class I hane____ for tow hours every day .(yamgncstic)Your classmate's_____is"Zhao Jie is a good student.''(ssaessentm) 把括号中的字母组成单词,补全句子let s go home ______ (g h o e t e r t ) she works in a bank she an ______ (o a t c c n n t u a ) it is smaller than a river it s a________ (t e s m r a ) i want to plant some flowers i need some flowers i 已知等比数列{an}的前3项和为9/2,前6项的和为14/3求a1,q为避免积分浪费,请回答者在自己的解答后附上期望的追加分 已知一个等比数列的前3项的和为1,前6项的和为9,求它的前8项的和. 一个等比数列前3项之和为10,前6项之和为40,则前9项和为多少? 一个等比数列前3项和为1,前6项和为9,求a1和q Today is ChenJie,s birthday.John is sending h---- a card.根据句意,填写所缺单词. 根据句意,用所给的单词的适当形式完成句子.Mary is______ years old.Today is her ____ birthday.(nine0 It's ___(she) birthday today 填入括号内所给词的正确形式 用给的词的适当形式填空 1.Today is --------(she)birthday.2.the ---------(five) lesson is very interesting.3.My birthday is january --------(nine) 4.How many ------------(month) are there in a year.5.February 25th is --------------(Ann) (根12-根号四分之三)-2(根号八分之一-根号2分之一根号18) 等比数列 第2项是1/3,第3项是-1/27,求第101项过程 一个等比数列的第2项是3,第4项是27,求第三项 1、在等比数列中,第二项为9,第三项为27,前3项和为?A、3 B、9 C、39 D、51没填那些, 按字母拼单词1、M-F-R-R-E-A2、V-T-E-S3、O-S-E-M-U4、S-L-U-E-D-N-Y例子:R-D-E-I (RIDE)大家能做几个做几个,做出后请给我写上相应的序号, 3和27的等比中项为