
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 06:11:32
求英语阅读表达答案!For thousands of years,man has enjoyed the taste of apples.Apples,which are about 85 percent water,grow almost everywhere in the world but the hottest and coldest areas.Among the leading countries in apple production are C baseball here is your连词成句 Here is your baseball?造个对话一问一答就行还有虾米时候用here 's your Here is 快点,OK.Here is you baseball是什么意思,在线等 can you give me love? 楚的成语有哪些 He will take part in an improtant race across the Atlantic.如果把in去掉有什么影响吗,句子就是错的吗 your souand vegetables here's your bill 什么意思这是英语书上的 Here is your pencil什么意思 Here is your bill.Please c_ it before you pay. 日本地震的震中在哪 12月19日台湾地震震中在哪?上午9点多我在杭州家里感觉到有轻微震感.请问此次地震造成多大损失?是否申请国际救援? Your photo is here.(改为同义句)----- ------ ------ photo. 日本哪个城市地震 请问大家he will take part in an important race across the atlantic中across the atlantic做何成分啊? He will take part in an important boat race across the Atlantic 如何翻译 will take part in an important race across the Atlantic.这个句子的读音我听不出来the这个单词发没发音请朋友说一下,到底它发不发音,是不是省略了,总是是是而非的感觉.这是新概念英语第二册,第12课中 He will take part in an important race across the Atlantic.想知道across在句子中是什么词性,一般across不是和其它动词连用吗,那个across没和动词连用,不算错吗 My birthday present is a (a T-shirt).(对括号内部分进行提问) ______ _______ your birthday present?My mother often wears red skirt.(用never改写句子)My mother ______ ______red skirt. 介词填空 could you please show your birthday card ____ me?Here is a leteer ___ you.(说哈原因)选择.Emma spent two days ____ that B.reading read D.reads (说哈原因,)句型.he read an english book last night.对an english 日本3月11日地震的震中靠近哪个岛?本州岛?北海道岛?四国岛?九州岛?是哪一个? [D34] Mum is coming.What present _______ for your birthday? expect she has got expect has she got you expect she has got you expect has she got 请翻译,并分析. 英语:a birthday present前介词用什么? 楚成语有哪些 与其卑微的爱,倒不如高傲的离开,哪怕心在滴血!英语怎么说? 新概念2 12课 He will take part in an important race across the Atlantic.中across the Atlantic新概念2 12课 He will take part in an important race across the Atlantic.中的across the Atlantic算什么结构?介词短语作定语来修饰 race “宁可高傲的发霉,不去卑微的恋爱!”英语怎么说? 不要卑微的爱情,不要单恋!用英语怎么说 drive eat full feed feel fight fly forget forgive get give go grow hang have hear的过去式和过去分词hide hdd hurt 的过去式和过去分词 2012年2月2地震 震中在哪 There was _____time____I hated to go to school.A.a,that B.a,when C.the,when D.the,thatABCD 都是为什么呀?