
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 02:15:01
英语::my father likes sports ,my mather likes it ,too那一点错了.0 - 英语翻译写错了:My father likes sports show.改为一般疑问句 数学奥赛对大学有什么作用吗 数学奥赛怎么做?1.已知a.b是方程x的平方-x-1=0的实数根,则a的四次方+3b的值为? 2.已知(a-2)x平方-2ax+a-1=0有两个负根,求a的取值范围. 3.已知关于x的一元二次方程ax平方+bx+c=0没有实数解,甲由于看错 学数学和物理奥赛有用吗 A determined woman always gets what she wants 字谜:Can you find some words on the table?Then write down.1_______________ 2___________________3_____________________ 4__________________________ 5_____________________ 6__________________________ can,t stop love的歌词,我不会说英语,帮我用拼音音节翻译, She's a Woman 歌词 She'S A Woman Now 歌词 she's every woman 歌词 最北、最南的地方用英语怎么讲,请路过的给位把正确答案告诉我, 拿破仑皇帝为何称皇帝拿破仑发动的法国大革命不是资产阶级革命吗,他怎么又称皇帝了,听着怎么像袁世凯一样? Jim's parents speak English and Chinese.改否定句 并说为什么 我们新疆好地方 用英语怎么讲这是我英语PPT的标题,所以求大神给译准点 what the woman wants she she always gets what she wants 歌词 英文的撒 what the woman wants she gets翻译下亲爱的童鞋们. 凯撒大帝生平的评价用三段式的, 先讲凯撒对于历史和国家等等的功绩, 再说凯撒不足之处, 结尾根据以上两点总结他是个XXXX的XXXX家XXXX人(好的占大部分) 好的,追加分数. 谁知道凯撒大帝的生平!(英文)要交给外教的,英文!100~200字,请不要把google的打上来 凯撒大帝的名言 The boys are playing football now.改为一般疑问句并做肯定否定回答 4The boys are playing football in the park.(改为一般疑问句) My father like ( )sports very much.填空并翻译 Fishing is ( ) .My father like it very much .Boys ( ) sports a lot ,so they are strong.选择填空 interesting boring relaxing fun more play many have 翻译句子 中文:为了能在地理学科上取得更好的成绩,每个周日她总是花整整一下午来做习题She always _the_She always _the_afternoon__every Sunday____in Geography She is always the open hand of his 翻译下中文 The woman looks mysterious,she is always ____strangelyA wearing B dressingC putting on D having on 翻译:she is always open to persuasion It s is a funny time to make cakes.如何改为感叹句 I think I have some advice to help you.这句话对吗? 连词成句time,a,to,breakfast,what,funny,make