
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 09:49:00
how many children are having the field trip 怎么回答 how much和how many的区别 刘烨赢得了最佳男演员奖.The prize for the best actor ___ ___ ___Liu Ye. I just neet someone who never lets me 用所给单词的适当形式填空:the farmer has many ___(sleep)behind the house翻译:1.你穿多大尺码的鞋子?what __ shoes___you wear? 我穿38号的I wear __ 38 shose 2.上个学期,我哥哥经常在学校做家庭作业 my b 英语翻译主要是不懂house boats是啥意思 he has no house and has to sleep o_____ at night ____and you'll succeed.A.If you try again B.Trying once more C.Another try D.To try again可为什么选C? 高分急!save the last dance for me翻译歌词谁能提供一下《save the last dance for me》翻译成中文的歌词,大恩不言谢!一看就知道直接把原歌词拿到翻译网站上翻译了一遍,,都不通。。。不要糊弄我啊 He asks his parents for money ____ A.over and over again B.again more C.over again选哪个 最好说下为什么 英语翻译如何翻译:Isn't it lofical,then,that communication problems can be compounded among people who do not have the benefit of shared experiences?其中的benefit是何意义主要不是benefit单独的意思,这句话我中benefit翻 英语翻译tart building one now Should people have cosmetic surgery? WHY BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE HAVE MORE DAUGHTERS怎么样 u don`t understand You don't understand me thou you don't understand you don't understand是什么意思? you don't understand什么意思 And then this end of on destiny And then this end of on destiny 一句话…翻译一下 Stay healthy this summer,and enjoy a nice treat now and then 求高手帮我分析下这段法语句子Les lettres que j'ai adressées à mon frère Louis et mon père,retrouvées et rassemblées après leur mort,celles qu'ils m'envoyèrent et que je joins aux miennes,quelques autres aussi que j'ai écrites à 希望英语希望之星大赛作文:Hanjiang River in 2050 (汉江河在2050) 要翻译的哦!快点呀,各位强人!!!!!!!!求求你们了!!!!!!555,欲哭无泪 帮我写两篇:1.Whant can you do to make Hanzhong more beautiful 为了让汉中更加美丽我能做些什么?2.How can you help your parents with the housework?(我能帮助父母做哪些家务活?) Second you can jump into The TUOJIANG River to get yourself more clean After Arbor day.you can see more trees on( ) side of the rivera both b some c any d either is this I gave you the last chance,I hope you cherish 美女与野兽里野兽的真实英文名字怎么拼写喜欢这片子,想知道野兽王子真实叫什么名字,英文怎么拼写. 请问《美女与野兽2》主题歌-罗贝塔弗莱克-的英文名?请问《美女与野兽2》主题歌演唱之一的罗贝塔弗莱克的英文名? 英语~,., 帮我理解一个超难得法语句子Pensez aux qualités que vous apréciez chez eux même losque'ils montrent temporairement leurs mauvais côtés不理解 aux qualités , 不理解 chez eux même,不理解整个句子! 法语planer在以下句子中的理解?L'ombre de Deng Xiao Ping a plané sur Shenzhen dimanche à l'occasion des célébrations du 30e anniversaire de la zone économique spéciale (ZES). 男,中文名叫“wu jun yu” 帮忙想个英文名.