
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/04 08:27:21
:0<x+1/(1-1/x)<1 被减数比差多10,比减数多30,减数是被减数的( )% 定积分求曲线长度的问题为什么定积分求曲线长度的时候在极坐标的情形下只能用而不能用直接对ρdθ取积分.(这里的ρ是θ的函数)我知道第一种是将曲线近似成了直线段,第二种是近似成 曲线长度已知曲线f(x),曲线上两点A(x1,y1)B(x2,y2),如何计算AB间曲线的长度? Is your pen the same as jim's?如何改为陈述句.答得好 答得对多加分 my home is not the same as your house 【改为同义句】 Their nuiform are_______as________ Asame;ours Bthe same ;ours C the same ;our Dthe same;usuniform 七(1)班的男生人数比女生人数的1/2多8人若女生人数为x 则:班级男生人数是( ),班级总人数( )用代数式表示!虽然没有悬赏,但是还是希望各位帮帮忙……0、0 被减数是200,减数与差得比是2:3,减数( ),差( ) 被减数是200,减数与差的比是2:3减数是(80),差是(120)为什么 求函数y=(2sinx+1)/(2sinx-1)的值域 及定义域 y=5tanx/1+2sinx求函数的定义域和值域 函数y=-2sinx+3的定义域、值域、最小正周期和奇偶性. 函数y=-2sinx+3的定义域值域最小正周期和奇偶性 the make greener their country students want to 如何组句 They made their d____ to travel to Japan the next week. Kitty and Ben stayed at home(改为现在进行时)Kitty and Ben_ _ at home. I stayed at home and ( ) nothing please pass the book ___ cover is green为什么ABD不行?AwhoBthatCwhoseDits 用方程解答急死我了给好评 小学五年级数学反思,急!快啊! The mother went out in a hurry,_________(留下)her baby at home alone 初中英语报纸:Where's my book?(改为复数句子) Jane likes salad(改为否定句子)Where's my book?(改为复数句子)Jane likes salad(改为否定句子)The keys are on the table(改为一般疑问句)My teacher plays basketball( 介词短语修饰的名词可以跟状语从句修饰的名词并列嘛~如题,例句:Nowadays,we can see hundreds of athletes in the Olympic Games and musicians who play in concerts.这句话有没有什么问题呢?athletes 能不能跟 musician 时间状语 可以由介词短语 组成 也可以由时间状语从句组成吧? as...as...这种结构作状语时是介词短语作状语,还是as引导的比较状语从句 ,具体问题看下面http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/305043853.html看看这个回答是不是错了,偶然翻到的,觉得是状语,现在有点疑惑as 不定积分lnx除x乘dx怎么求?f(x)=2x除1+x的复合函数f[f(x)]怎么求? Where is my book? We are often asked to make a speech in life.Most of us are afraid of it and don’t do a good job.Here are some simple steps to make your speech a successful one.First of all,find out everything you can about your subject and at the same time find ou We often stand in the cross of our life to make choice.翻译成中文 请翻译:You often emphasized to us the value of one’s life so that must have been what you met after those five years. his life is not burdened with the anxieties we are often trouble by怎样翻译,最后的by的用法