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  The uniting of the world around the AIDS epidemic is without prior example. As the number of AIDS cases around the world rapidly increases, nations are showing great focus in battling this common enemy — attacking rich and poor countries the same.

  By 1989, almost every nation on earth had established a program educating its people about AIDS, according to Jonathan Mann, director of the World Health Organization's (WHO) International Program on AIDS. At that time, 143 countries had reported one or more AIDS cases.

  In addition to national AIDS programs, working together internationally has begun. Through open exchanges of scientific facts as well as support of international organizations such as the World Health Organization, all nations can join efforts to fight against this life-threatening disease. According to WHO, this international effort has produced two critical developments: first, there is an amazing level of world—wide focus, using world scientists and international sharing of human and economic resources to fight AIDS. Second, the work of governments, organizations, and businesses has been followed by the very high activity of people - as singles, families, and communities.

  The Influence of AIDS

  The rise of acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) around the earth has represented a major challenge to medical progress both in developed and in less - developed countries. The past forty years saw great success in the control of spreading diseases and great strides toward achieving "health for all by the year 2000" (a major WHO goal) through improved basic health care, food, cleanliness, and immunization(免疫) programs.

  Yet, because of its sudden start and rapid spread, AIDS could soon wipe out this progress. By the end of 1988, more than 130,000 cases of AIDS were reported, but, because of under reporting, there may actually be more than 350,000 cases. Also, at least five million persons likely have the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) (艾滋病病毒), which causes AIDS. That means as many as 400,000 new cases of AIDS could occur in the next few years - more than doubling the present total. Caring for AIDS patients could seriously stress economic resources even in richer countries.

  Preventing one case of AIDS means preventing many future cases, while preventing a case of measles(麻疹) or malaria(疟疾) in Africa would have little effect on its spreading, since those diseases are already common in many countries. Resources devoted to AIDS testing, care, and education could also be used to battle other, more-known diseases in developing countries.

  Stopping the Spread

  AIDS spreads only in limited ways and can be prevented through informed and mature behavior. Encouraging such behavior depends on understanding the different ways AIDS is spread around the world. AIDS spreads in three basic ways: first, through sexual intercourse(性交); second, through contact with diseased blood; and third from an HIV mother to her baby. The actual patterns of spreading of the AIDS virus change from culture to culture.

  Spreading of AIDS in North America, Western Europe, Australia, New Zealand and parts of Latin America occurs most often among homosexual(同性恋) or bisexual(双性恋) men and intravenous (IV) (静脉内注射的) drug users(吸毒者), most often in city areas. Heterosexual(异性之间的) spreading is low, but there is danger that the spread of AIDS from male(男性) IV-drug users to their female(女性) partners could increase the appearance of AIDS in the heterosexual population.

  In sub-Saharan Africa and Latin America, particularly the Caribbean, most cases occur among heterosexuals, and spreading from mother-to-child is common. Spreading through homosexual contact and IV-drug use almost does not exist.

  In Eastern Europe, northern Africa, the eastern Mediterranean, Asia, and most of the Pacific, fewer cases of AIDS, usually among drug users, have been reported thus far. The WHO estimates that Bangkok, Thailand IV-drug users having the AIDS virus increased from less than 1 percent in August 1987 to 30 percent one year later.

  Reaching Out

  WHO believes that, as AIDS becomes more common, the disease promises to unite the world to a degree never seen before. In just two years, the international plan against AIDS has grown from ideas to practice, from speeches to action. WHO is certain that, together, we will triumph over AIDS rather than allow the disease and the fears, worries, and prejudices(偏见) which go with it to overpower us.


艾滋病英语作文:how to guard against AIDS


英语作文]小学精华资讯 免费订阅

Aids has become one of the most terrifying desease in todays's world.It has been caculated that if we don't take measures soon enough,the hole human race will be under siege!

To fight against Aids,we definitely need to work together,basicly,

we shall realize first of all,this kind of desease is never too far from ourselves,it is eccencial for every one of us to learn about neccesary ways to prevent it from happening.

People who had been infected should not never be regarded as criminals,in fact, many of them are just harmless as we are.In this case,any forms of discrimination shall be regarded as illegal.

Furthermore, we must solve the problem through global cooperation, only if we stick together,can we possibly give Aids a final strike.


All-around effort is needed against AIDS 全社会动员起来防治艾滋病

More media coverage is being paid to the HIV/AIDS situation in China, especially after a gathering of leading officials, scientists, medical workers and activists in the field occurred in Beijing on November 10.

By official estimates, China has 840,000 people carrying HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, and about 80,000 AIDS patients.

Despite the fairly large groups of HIV carriers and AIDS patients, the epidemic is mostly confined to high-risk groups, such as drug users, prostitutes and users of blood products. And it has yet to spread widely in the rest of the nation.

The Chinese Government is well aware of such perspectives, and the central and local governments have allocated 6.8 billion yuan (US billion) to establish and improve disease prevention and control mechanisms in provinces. Each year a special fund of more than 200 million yuan (US million) is channeled into HIV/AIDS prevention, care and treatment.

Since April, free medicine to poor AIDS patients has been delivered in regions hit hardest by the virus.

Just as the impacts of AIDS reaches social and economic fields of society, effective prevention also requires united efforts from virtually all sectors.

Key factors needed include public education, affordable drugs, medical training for healthcare workers in hospitals and the public health system, monitoring and evaluation, care for orphans, measures to stop mother-to-child transmission, a comprehensive care framework and research into vaccines and a cure.

None of these things can be achieved with the single hand of any institution - not health officials, not medical workers or the government.

The fight against HIV/AIDS requires the participation of as many parties as possible. As former US President Bill Clinton said as a co-chair of the advisory board of International AIDS Trust, the AIDS problem is "manageable and preventable"

though we must wage it on all fronts with tenuous determination, utmost patience and tactful skills.

Provide a Better Life for Senior Citizens

Now we have a growing population of senior citizens. To ensure happy lives for them has become a focus of attention. Our traditional respect of the aged needs

updating. They deserve respect, understanding, companion, entertainment and so on. There are many things to be done to honor senior citizens. In cities, senior

citizens should enjoy some privileges, such as special seats on buses, reduced fares for entertainment and traveling, and other benefits. We should do everything to solve their practical problems, to warm their hearts, and to make them happy. In addition, we should find some ways to provide affordable medical health care, which is of vital importance to them. Besides, there should be recreation halls and care- centers for the aged. Most important of all, the state should ensure a decent pension for them, peasants in particular.

In the vast countryside, most aged people are financially supported by their sons, whose life is a perpetual struggle against poverty. What can they do if they are childless?

Senior citizens, parents in particular, need our love and deserve the best care. Respecting senior citizens bears vital importance to the family - planning policy in China. If we do our best to honor our parents and the aged, our children will follow our example.


Getting to Zero

Ladies and Gentlemen

Good Morning!

On the first day of December is World AIDS Day. Have you noted that the theme for this year's World AIDS DAY is"Getting to Zero", Zero new HIV infections, Zero discrimination and zero AIDS relates deaths.

Today, despite advances in HIV treatment and in laws designed to protect those living with HIV, many people do not know the facts about how to protect themselves and others from HIV. And today I '

d like to give you a speech of "how to prevent AIDS"

In today's world, A million more are infected Worldwide, forty million, sixty million, or a hundred million infections will be counted in the coming few years. This is not a distant threat. It is a present danger. The rate of infection is increasing fastest among women and children. Largely unknown a decade ago, AIDS is the third leading killing of young adult today.

Most of you may think that AIDS doesn't affect you. But if you do not know someone infected with HIV, chances are that you will soon get AIDS. Aids can affected anyone: male or female, married or single, young or old, rich or poor, in any community in the country, including smaller cities and towns. This makes AIDS a problem for all of us.

To prevent the spread of AIDS, you first priority should be protected from HIV infections. Understanding the disease, learn and practice the safer behaviors, this will help you to lead a healthy life.

So what you can do now?

1. First, Learn basic facts how you can and can not become infected with HIV.

HIV can be transmitted in three main ways: sexual transmission: transmission through blood: and mother to child transmission. These three routes of transmission work in tandem to affect segments of the population. Knowing the facts can help you protect yourself and reduce fears about contracting HIV through usual contact.

2. Second, Assess your personal risk for HIV infection. Evaluate any current and past sexual and drug- using behaviors. Correct use quality condom not only may the contraception, but may also reduce the infection AIDS. Each time the sexual intercourse should the entire journey use.

3. Be ware of the risks of sharing needles and other drug equipment. If you use drugs, enroll in the treatment program. Try to quit, If you cannot stop right away, do not share needles or syringes with anyone.

Yes, AIDS is still incurable, but it no longer has to be a death sentence. I hope everyone learn more about AIDS, Let's imagine a generation that will be free of AIDS.

Thank you!

弘扬真善美,关爱艾滋患者征文 800字


艾滋病。这沾满了鲜血的三个字,由衷的让人们感到了无边的恐惧——这也是人们歧视艾滋病人的原因 。可是艾滋病人更痛苦!他们已经感染了病症,半只脚已然踏进死亡的边缘,日日夜夜都在煎熬。让他们得到人们的关爱,与人们平等的相处,乃是我们为他们所能尽到的最后一点责任了。








