love what is ahead by loving what has come before.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/10 20:06:34

love what is ahead by loving what has come before.
love what is ahead by loving what has come before.

love what is ahead by loving what has come before.

You are lonely because you have not known yourself. That is your loneliness.

Your soul is the spirit of God.

The body is a temple, take care of it.

Love your soul.

Practice kindness, mercy and forgiveness.

Open to the infinite, be the infinite.

Mantal happiness is total relaxation.

Understanding is found through compassion.

Your hearbeat is the rhythm of your soul.

A attitude of gratitude brings opportunities.

Be proud of who you are.

Bliss cannot be disturbed by gain or loss.

  • Love what is ahead by loving what has come before.

Empty yourself and let the universe fill you.

Your destiny is to merge with infinity.

Act, don't react.

Experience is wisdom.

Feel God within you with each breath.

Oneness is achieved by recognizing your self.

Be happy so long as breath is in you.

Feel great, act great and be great.

Be proud of who you are.

Delight the world with kindness, grace and compassion.

Oneness is achieved by recognizing yourself.

A relaxed mind is a creative mind.

Every smile is a direct achievement.

Every hearbeat creates a miracle.