smaller smallest 是和不可数名词连用还是和可数这个表示少的意思,那么和Little less 这些都是表示少的意思吗.区别在于一个是和可数名词连用,一个和不可数名词连用,

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 03:34:43

smaller smallest 是和不可数名词连用还是和可数这个表示少的意思,那么和Little less 这些都是表示少的意思吗.区别在于一个是和可数名词连用,一个和不可数名词连用,
smaller smallest 是和不可数名词连用还是和可数
这个表示少的意思,那么和Little less 这些都是表示少的意思吗.区别在于一个是和可数名词连用,一个和不可数名词连用,

smaller smallest 是和不可数名词连用还是和可数这个表示少的意思,那么和Little less 这些都是表示少的意思吗.区别在于一个是和可数名词连用,一个和不可数名词连用,
little(接不可数名词)和 few(接可数名词)
little-- less -- least
few-- fewer或less-- fewest 或least
但small 有时也用作“少”,如:small population少量人口,smaller population较少的人口,smallest最少的人口.在此情况下,它可接可数名词和不可数名词.

small, 少的.可以说a small number of+可数.少量
little,极少的,几乎没有的,表示否定 +不可数名词
few,极少的,几乎没有的,表示否定 +可数名词
small一般指个头小,表示少用a small number of


smaller smallest 是和不可数名词连用还是和可数这个表示少的意思,那么和Little less 这些都是表示少的意思吗.区别在于一个是和可数名词连用,一个和不可数名词连用, Small-smaller-smallest 三个词一起造句怎么造? Which is _____.the sun,the moon or the earth?A.small B.smaller C.the smaller D.the smallest It's much ()than that onea.smaller b.small c.smallest d.small much There were two small rooms in the beach house,______served as a kitchen.A.the smaller of themB.the smallest of which C.the smaller of which There are two small rooms in the house ,_______served as a bathroom.A the smaller of which B the smaller of them C the smallest of which D the smallest of that Thanks to the internet,the world seems to become .A) small B.smallest C) smallerThanks to the internet,the world seems to become____.A) small B.smallest C) smaller D) the smallest this is my smallest gift.句子中为什么smallest不加the ansys划分网格是出现的警告53 angles less than 2.5degrees found in triangle facets of volume 1,with smallest angle=0.83 degree.Poor element quality or mesh failure may result.A smaller element size specification may give better result.这个 ----Look at that model ship.----I know,but it looks like a real one,It's just _____.A.small B.very small C.smaller D.smallest ic、ion、re、ist、ex 为什么是morpheme?morpheme的定义是 the smallest meaningful unit of a language感觉不对吧 求真相 smaller and smaller和less and lessThe number of panda is getting是 smaller and smaller还是less and lessThe living space is becoming __________.又是哪一个the population of china is becoming——————————.呢?这两个有什么 smaller和heavier的音标是什么啊 求英语高手`1.There were two small rooms in the house ,____ served as a bathroom.A.the smallest of which B.the smallest of them C.the smaller of which D.smallest of that2.It is not until you have lost your health ______ you know its value.A.until more and more small和smaller and smaller有什么区别? smaller and smaller写一个和这个词性质一样的用beautiful 写一个快 The zookeeper is worried because the number of visitors____smaller and smaller.A.become B.became becoming D.have become为什么不选D呢?“smaller and smaller”是越来越少,用现完,表示过去就开始减少了到现在越来越少了, 英语翻译就是开头是SMALLER AND SMALLER 的9年纪下半学期.