He returned home in the afternoon of his holiday.改错returned ,home ,of划了线.哪个错了?怎么改啊

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 08:02:14

He returned home in the afternoon of his holiday.改错returned ,home ,of划了线.哪个错了?怎么改啊
He returned home in the afternoon of his holiday.改错returned ,home ,of划了线.哪个错了?

He returned home in the afternoon of his holiday.改错returned ,home ,of划了线.哪个错了?怎么改啊

of 不对
on his holiday




of 改为in或during,假期中他是在下午回到了家里。

of 错了。 改成on


He returned home in the afternoon of his holiday.改错returned ,home ,of划了线.哪个错了? He returned home an hour ago用In an hour改写 He returned home in the afternoon of his holiday.改错returned ,home ,of划了线.哪个错了?怎么改啊 应该是Being tired and dirty,he returned home.还是应该是Tired and dirty,he returned home. when he returned home,he found all the things in the house( )A.missed B.lose C.stealing D.stolen when he returned home , he felt sorry forwhen he returned home , he felt sorry for his treatment. 翻译一下,谢谢 after he returned home from his first hospital stay 请问这句话用safe对吗?修饰returned动词应该用副词safely来修饰呀he returned home safe He has gone abroad ten years ago.He hasn't already returned home for 10 years. When the TV play was over ,he _______ his home.A.returned B.returned to C.go back D.returned back 新概念英语第三册第四课练习提问1.He told her that he worked for the Corporation_____A simply B.in a simple way C.and no more D.only为什么不能选A?2.Before he ___ home at night,he took a shower.B.returned C.had returned为什么不 英语翻译Somewhat better equipped academically,he returned home to continue his experiment. 翻译:He travelled from place to place,and returned home only yesterday. when he returned home,olny to find many things broken 为什么用only to find He returned home,tired and hungry.中,两个形容词是什么成分 he returned home felt very tired这句话哪里错了 ——John returned home yesterday.——Where( )he( )(be)? He returned home to find his wife to wait for him改错