
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 13:43:47
什么橘子有蛆子啊 哪里的桔子有蛆 四川橘子为什么有蛆 等腰三角形底边上的高是腰的一半,则其顶角的大小是 桔子里的蛆现在还有吗?有没有具体一点 等腰三角形底边上的高是腰的一半,则顶角的大小为 若用半径为20cm,圆心角为240°的扇形铁皮,卷成一个圆锥形的侧面(接缝处忽略不计),则这个圆锥容器的地面半径是________cm. 一句话的力量 话题作文 600多字 O(∩_∩)O谢谢 怎么扩大词汇量?今年都高二了词汇量还不如初一新生,现在要扩大词汇量该怎么办?现在英语很差! 求一个英语的自我介绍.差不多6年级——初一水平的.求 小学六年级英语怎么才能高效率的提高词汇量我们的书刚刚改版,用很多很多的单词都不认识,该怎么高效率的提高词汇量、 Pre-advising of在中国银行中信用证的英文单词 exclusive pre-screening 请不要直接用机器翻译, PRE TEST OF CERTIFICATION 是什么测试我们是做动物玩具的.请问一下这个是相关什么测试的, 用一个圆心角为90的扇形纸片围成一个圆锥的侧面,则这个圆锥的底面积与侧面积的比 明明做口算题,前2分平均每份做15题,后3分他加快速度多做了一些题,最后明明平均每份做了18题.他后3分平均每分做多少题? 英语翻译It has caused a lack of information concerning the value of food .请翻译.还有,这里的cause 放在该句中老感觉别扭. 英语翻译As we know,USA has an advanced and perfect education system and it is the largest world business center,it is a country where I can greatly refresh my mind and reshape my personality beyond my academic pursuit.Thus,I eventually come to a 急救!四阶特殊行列式请高手解决一个四阶行列式 y=f(x)的反函数是写成y=f^-1(x),x=f(y),x=f^-1(y),这几个式子具体有什么区别啊 在看反函数的定积分混淆了 英语翻译24.0 RESERVATION OF THE RIGHTSAny failure by either party to insist upon strict compliance by the other party with any of the terms and conditions of this Agreement,in any instance,shall not prejudice either party's right to insist upon s In order to accommodate your request,please make your reservation by the end of octobet.(改正)Through our research of three local charities we feel that each one would make a good sponsor.(改正) We use random graph analysis and simulation to show that what really matters in key pre-distributuion is the shared-key connectivity of the resulting network.谁帮我翻译下这句话 please fill the pre-qua form 中的pre-qua 英译英a reservation of public land 1.请求小明来生日聚会.2.在家开聚会.3.在星期六下午3点. 小学六年级的自我介绍?英文版的 用24个相同的小正方形可以拼出几种不同的长方形? 正方形拼长方形用32块面积是1平方厘米的正方形,可以拼成多少形状不同的长方形?它们的长与宽各是多少? anything that you find out about the prospective employer can be used to your advantage during theinterview to show that you have bothered to master some facts about the people who you hope to work for求翻译 A would-be writer who claims that he is unable to find anything to write about admits that he is neither keen nor observant. A would-be writer who claims that he is unable to find anything to write about admits that he is neither keen nor observant.