
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/05/01 05:40:39
put them in the bottles中文意思 have a cough 单词全解析!急用!have a cold .cough.sore.backache.take a rest.fever flu stomachache heada接上面的headache at night coffee tea plenty plenty of boil boiled water lift 要全面的解析 如 :词性 列句 用法。立刻马上! when the ok button is clicked,initialization is done怎么念 When love is done是什么意思? 新概念英语的磁带不是随书附赠吗? 买新概念英语的书送磁带么?今天去买了回来才想到,想问下送不送配套的磁带? 我买了一本《新概念英语第一册》售价29.9元,但服务员说只有书不包括磁带,磁带要单买,请问是这样的吗?但书的倒数第一面写的是"新概念英语1(另配录音带2盒)"啊? 新概念英语买书时赠送磁带吗 They are old monkeys?改成单数句 They are old workers.(改为单数句) They are old ladies.(改为单数句子)怎么做? My sister needs to take part in the sports game.(用动情)(划线提问,第一个My sister第二个take part in the sports game.) in the in the movie 意思怎么没教过 put the movie together 一个米字,右边有四颗星,米字下边有一颗大星是哪个国家的国旗 they are wathc tv 和 they were watch tv一般将疑问句 about什么意思 about是什么意思? about city about什么意思? 要几点才有一颗星 Linda wants ______ soccer with me 告诉我为什么. 谁能推荐我几本可以跟着录音读的英语书!我底子不是太好,有些生词不会读,所以需要跟读, Yes,she asked tje students about fashion的问句 离月亮最近的一颗星是什么星.有木有人知道、 _______man over there is ______ Eiglish teacher A.An;an B.The;the C.An;the D.The;an she was twice as oid as her brother jim She is my brother , Nancy 这个about是什么意思 about意思