
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/06 17:05:00
半个月亮.(打一个字) 「半个月亮」估一个字 it is natural that he changes his mind这句话对么 英语翻译westlife saying you will never reach it 是哪首歌的 You will always be my reach distance的中文意思要学过语法的人来回答、不要胡能我 我高中英语120+.就是很多英语不是语法能解决的 百度翻译是 你是我永远的可达距离,是不是可以翻译成 你永远在我 will,sky ,you ,reach 怎么连词成句? 一个字需要半个月亮组成,那个字是什么字 来起个好听点的英文名拜托了各位 要求读起来顺口,最好是两个音的,本名是毛如君.女生,· _____the camel _____(live)in the desert Does the wolf live ______the desert?选in 还是on An Arab is travelling in the desert on his camel.一个阿拉伯人正骑着骆驼在沙漠中旅行.为什么把in the desert 放前面把on his camel.放后面? “我姑妈从美国回来”这句话怎么翻译 The c____ can live in the desert. 谁有歌颂社会主义的文章?字数要1000字以上的, 有一些单词,音标里面是浊音,但是发音却是清音.很多带有s的,音标标注是/z/读起来确实/s/ 日语中是不是有这样的现象,写作清音,读音却是浊音以及,哪个字儿加点成为浊音都是随日本人高兴规定好的,一点规律都没有的? 蟹刚死能吃吗 七雄争霸里的无限挑衅是怎么意思? 我看见有人去讨伐初级势力的一伙暴民,接着就有50级的暴民前来攻打!那样能刷武将经验?怎么刷的?不是很懂,求高手解释!还有就是怎么征服野外势力!征服 英语短文改错 If someone asks you can make you always1.___happy,you will perhaps find rather difficult to give him 2.___a proper answer.Did you remember the old saying"No 3.___human being can really happy who is not giving or trying 4.___to give 成语置之不理的意思和解释,用置之不理造句及其故事典故 举例一些英语的浊音单词,浊音越明显越好最好是d,g,之类的 刚死的蟹能吃吗 1.she will goes there as soon as he ____(leave) 2.___(call)me up.if he has any problems. ‘s'后啥时候清音变浊音呢?如 school、scare等词后都变浊音,必须是重读的音才变吗?还是只有s在开头才变?如atronaut就不变. 问:quite natural It is quite natural that people from different backgrounds may have divergent attitudes towards it.在这个句子里quite natural 根据置之不理中的“ 之”的意思再组三个词 what do the four cards have in common?什么意思? 谁学过 LINGUISTICS what are the four strategies for building permanent memorywhat are the four strategies for building permanent memory? make her happy造句 He is of medium build.可以改为He has medium build. ()Thank you for gixing me __book. A.very an useful B.such a useful C.so a useful D.quite a useful it's( )useful book a.quite b.a quite c.quite an d.an quite