
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/01 22:32:35


A great man has two hearts,one for bleeding and the other for forgiving.

A great man can face the difficulties and then solve it?

deep in evey great man dwell two hearts, one for shedding blood, one for devoting tolerance

A great man has two hearts, one for flowing his blood and the other for showing mercy to others.

A great person is sound both at heart and mind: He has a heart for empathy and a mind for magnanimity.
1) “流血”二字含义很不明确:是挨了刀、枪而哗哗出血、快死了,还是“心中流淌着热血(取与“冷血”相反之意)”? 如果纯粹从字面上看,象是前者 = bleed / bleeding =...


A great person is sound both at heart and mind: He has a heart for empathy and a mind for magnanimity.
1) “流血”二字含义很不明确:是挨了刀、枪而哗哗出血、快死了,还是“心中流淌着热血(取与“冷血”相反之意)”? 如果纯粹从字面上看,象是前者 = bleed / bleeding = 流血哗哗、死到临头了。但估计LZ实际上的意思是后者。
2) empathy 不同于“同情” sympathy:sympathy 强调的是纯粹情感上相同的感受; 而 empathy 指的是既能设身处地地理解对方的情感,又不失自己独立、冷静思考的判断能力。
3)magnanimity 不仅有那好心眼 = heart 来“宽恕 forgive”,更具有“任何情况下都要宽容敦厚、不凭感情用事的那种 mind”的含义。二战后丘吉尔(起码口头上)强调的就不仅是 forgive 德国人,而且出手帮助西德重建、帮助解决德国人面临的巨大生活困难等问题,由此而来他的 The Second World War 回忆录 4句卷首语的第三条:
In war, resolution;
In defeat, defiance;
In victory, magnanimity;
In peace, goodwill.
